
I’m still bummed that Malik isn’t returning apparently.

Well there goes the sports fact I know.

You know I always like seeing the celebrity references in concept art. Sometimes it’s like a “hmm...who is that...”

Yeah it’s not like I’m associating this accident with Overwatch.

Meh all the settlements are varying levels of shitty.

So am I.

Considering that farting manager’s mustache he’s both literally and figuratively Hitler.

It’s how I act around my boss. Look busy, do nothing.

I don’t think there’s any other person of note who has managed to change my perception of them so much and so fast.

I prefer the classier term, poonami.

I just stood in an inn and left to do something else.

Same. I forget how but I had like $10 million before the end of the game because people were complaining about it so much.

Oh yeah the ending is pretty obvious.

Yeah I don’t hate Fable 3 though and was willing to see the series go further. 3 was disappointing but there was some things that I really liked about it. Production wise the cast was insane even compared to other Fable games, I think it worked well pushing the Fable universe to the industrial age, and I actually

Yeah. Also the fact that after Molyneux left Lionhead felt directionless and just in limbo trying to find what worked.

Yeah some a really nice environment and character design and lighting...and I didn’t want to play it at all.

While I didn’t like playing it, Fable Legends sure did look good.

Welp see y’all in 12 years for the decision.

This was actually attached to Fear the Walking Dead.

Engine blows on tractor.