

That’s super unexpected. While I played a bit of Fable Legends I could only help but wonder if the stuff in that game would be better suited for a single player game because that game actually looked really good. And I even thought there were some good things in Fable III.

Yeah there’s certainly DLC that feels like it was made in the most simple way.

Man Bam Bam on meth would be even stronger!

Sometimes. It’s definitely a case by case bases for some games.

Oh yeah I’m not saying the main reason games are maintaining prices are entirely because DLC but I can imagine there has to be some discussion about that right?

That’s a good way to describe it.

Doesn’t bother me. It is just a $1.50 flashing neon sombreo right? It doesn’t affect me.

I honestly don’t feel like Warzone is unbalanced. There is definitely a psychological thing where people don’t want to use their cards because they’re in theory limited, but I get so many just from in game gold pack buying.

I’m okay with microtransactions just because this really is a side thing.

I thought Irish and Hannah were alright characters but I can’t remember a thing about it.

Yeah but but the Xenomorph’s comments are just vulgar.

This is truly a great future.

Well if it is augmented reality, you could use an actual person’s breast.

I thought that seems sensible. You want to build or attract the software that comes with the hardware. Especially with something that cost that much.

Ass shaking will never go out of style. People probably won’t be saying twerk though.

Yeah the boobs would not lead to me feeling welcoming to our alien overlords. But they also wouldn’t freak me out since a snake person alien thing would already be freaking me out so boobs wouldn’t be of concern.

Both he and Professor X enjoy putting teens in danger I suppose.

But he looks a lot like Thel.