I thought it was a Vietnam allegory.
I thought it was a Vietnam allegory.
I’m sure there’s better bits of animation but I don’t think it does too big a disservice. Though that poster is cool.
I thought that dragon looked fine. Haven’t seen or heard about this anime.
Meh Marvel has seemed pretty committed to the changes. At least enough to where they’ve been promoting her, and all the other major players in the all new world like Sam, Miles, and Kamala.
I only know this game because of videogamesman/Irishman Danny O Dwyer.
Oh I’m not even talking about retcons or anything. Just that tonally and the time frame makes the stories different from each other.
Yeah from what I gleamed from the internet, the story of the original Warcraft trilogy seemed totally different.
So what are the viewpoints for both factions? I got the part where the Orcs are from another realm/planet? and then they’re both trying to survive from the trailer.
For some reason that reminds me of the EA CEO/Illusive Man, Andrew Wilson.
Ah yes I meant Tanaka. Just doesn’t look like her. Armor looks bigger proportioned. Looked off.
Wait who’s that in the concept art to the left? That’s not Vale.
This isn’t usually a problem because of the lack of sniper rifles.
Truth was hilarious every time it started. And kind of cool.
That’s weird and disappointing. But it is a focus on Lara even more so than other games.
I wonder if Sam is in the story much. I thought her friendship with Lara was interesting. It’s odd though since the trailers only have Lara and Jonah returning from the first game and I think the supporting cast would help Lara’s story a bit more.
Vision looking real Doctor Manhattan-y. Though he is wearing pants.
She’s the DJ for Non-Stop Pop in GTA V.
Because it’s inconvenient for me.
Sure but it seemed pretty ignored. It was one of those Xbox to 360 dealies.
Yeah no one was interested in Gun.