
Yeah the melee and spells stuff just felt clunkier to me than shooting and powers. I also liked the way maps were built in ME3.

They did mention that the game would happen even without the Kickstarter so I imagine they can afford to lowball it.

Being close to the source material doesn’t guarantee a good movie.

It’d been so long since playing 3 that the only major difference I felt was not having weapons on the d-pad. But it did seem to fall into a weird middle ground of faster than regular Gears but not that fast.

You know playing Judgement as the free game this month made me realize I could go for some more Gears. Judgement is weak but I found myself wanting to play another cover shooter. I know it’s weird but I haven’t played a cover shooter in a while and Gears does it the best.

3 is my favourite. I also loved how bright it got since the first two are pretty dark.

That voice sounds like me impersonating an old Italian man.

If you include all of Dance Central in there I’d probably agree.

I mean yeah. Those songs are the best things to come out of Star Wars Kinect.

Even better is that these scenes are mokkaped (probably) so an actress probably specifically did those head tilts.

There’s been kiss of death fatalities in MK before so this isn’t new.

When are tower endings ever incorporated in the story? Because at that point Sub-Zero and Kenshi might have dragons.

I’ve always disliked Mileena but after her being the invasion boss and taking me an hour to just survive 30 seconds, I especially dislike her. So this seemed deserving when it happened.

I’ve played a bit online, not a lot, but not a mass of Scorpions. I’ve seen a good mix of characters. I think the most repeats are with Sub-Zero if anything but still I see a mix.

They’ve added the compatibility for him in it, it seems but not him in the game fully.

Nope. Unless he’s somehow out with the Kombat Pack but not separately. I assume they have just been testing him out in the wild.

Was it Justice League Mortal?

I’m honestly shocked Special Forces is dead last. I mean I knew they wouldn’t be first but come on, QUAN CHI seriously? He’s like a lame frontman of a metal band that makes songs about wizards that got really old. And he premiered as a corny live action actor and hasn’t changed much from it.

House of Cards and Orange is the New Black both get nominated for TV awards so I would say yes.

You know watching the cutscene my mind didn’t connect the dots but that totally makes sense. And also explains why Cassie and Jin didn’t hook up like I thought the Kombat Kidz would.