Andrei Nitu

Americans complaining when movies villify soviet-era soviet states is always funny to me. As a Romanian who remembers the communist times under the Russian bootheel, let me tell you, mate, the movie is pretty goddamn accurate.

Unpopular opinion, a game like Diablo should not have class balancing as the be-all end-all. Each class should feel unique and fun, if I’m having fun, I don’t care that another class with their own super-min-maxed BiS META build has 5% extra damage than me.

I actually love a game that actually commits to telling me a story, unlike Dark Souls which throws some descriptions under some items just to have an excuse for world building.

An objectively bad choice that most people in his position would do. I don’t think people should justify his actions, but I very much think people should realize that a father would very much doom the entire world to save his daughter, even if the daughter din’t want to be saved.

This some clickbait shit, it’s nothing like Titanfall.

The Series X doesn’t have an issue. It says “the same standard on both the Series X and S” - as in, parity. It has to be the same on both consoles. The S is underperforming, the X is not. It’ll launch when they can get the S to perform like the X.

While you are technically correct, what I can tell you is that in the heat of the moment, when you see and experience something like this, it kinda snaps in your brain and all you think about is a frantic ‘GET IT OUT GET IT OUT OHMIGOD GET IT OUT’. And honestly, I don’t think that snap goes away even after multiple

but in reality people don’t really like playing villains when they hurt characters they care about.”

Ironically, a statement that can easily be aplied absolutely equally to the far right as well as far left.

People: “Say, couldja maybe not buy this game and give money directly to someone who doesn’t want us to exist?””

Dead Space Mobile and Mass Effect: Infiltrator were the best mobile games ever released if you’ve ever wanted to play on mobile a game that resembles mobile games as least as possible, and has way more in common with PC/Console games. They are both MTX-less games, with a focus on a self-contained story.

I play racing games with a wheel, and I have a legit rally pilot license. The guy above you is right, driving in real life is insanely easier than driving a sim, because of all the real world feedback you get from a car, as well as the fact that you see a lot more than what a screen shows you (arguably you could

I would quit my job at a videogame development studio if I knew I’d have to work on a toxic IP. I’d quit my job if I knew the outcome is the perpetuation of an IP that only serves to make a rich bigoted woman all that much richer.”

I don’t think people are blaming the devs for what is a natural accumulation of code mass, however.... it does make me wish the studio had agreed to ditch Destiny2 when Actiblizz requested it and make aDestiny3 that would have been built from the get-go as a perpetual, long-term service game (which D2 was not).

What does third stage mean? Also, how much did you rely on shooting only? The game pretty much incentivizes you to use Launch and your other abilities to fight, not only the gun. And apart from the sniper form, most of the guns are better suited for short-medium range, not far from across the room.

O365 is SaaS not PaaS.

“JK Rowling has her specifically said that the royalties she gets from stuff make her feel that she’s correct and should continue to act the way she does”.”

All the comments here besides the few asking for moderation.

Does she fucking do that? Did she say that? Or are you purposefully planting things in her mouth just to justify your hate for her even more?

The corn kid and the queen’s guard were the only ones actually remotely popular anywhere other than America, lol.