Andrei Nitu

Maybe they’ve been..... severed... Unrelated, Severance is a really good tv show right now.

Lmao, when people are fatshaming, y’all are raising hell, but when it’s about short me, it’s ‘their most fragile fucking ego’, unbelievable, the hypcrisy and double standards......

She-Ra WAS cancelled though, it was supposed to run for one additional season.. (hence the rushed ending)

Nobody said you personally loved it, what the guy above said was that SOME people did love it, and judging by its box office return, that is a fact, not a conjecture.

Awfully snarky for someone who abbreviates series X in the most confusing way possible.

Some of you are angry, some of us aren’t. Self defense is a thing, but it apparently should only apply when the attacked is black? Just because the attackers were black and the person who defended themselves was white, doesn’t magically make this unjust just because you feel like projecting your ‘hurr durr, white

Extra points for Bloodrayne.

Articles like this remind me that extremist LGBT movements are just as bad as extremist religious ones. Simply because there is no argument to be had. You can’t argue with people like you, because you deny any viewpoint other than your own. For shame.

But... that.. is.. the whole point of MFA..?? The whole point of TFA is to have identity (you), something you know (password), something only YOU HAVE (a physical token, in this case the phone). If it’s cloud-synced, woop-tee-doo, you simply have two sets of passwords know, since if somebody cracks your cloudMFA

LMAO, found the chinese troll.

What does living in a communist country have to do with anything?

Lol, ofcourse SOMEBODY had to be offended.

The two things are insanely incomparable. You could do a successful DDoS attack with absolutely no repercussions and no way for anyone to hack you back. At the same time, the Apex servers are a known entity with very stable and static infrastructure. They are very much attackable.

Or, you know, buy both and play the exclusives on PS5 and the anything else on XSX? Seems the best choice, it’s what I did.

Man I’m really happy I didn’t grow up with such an overcontrolling freak parent like you.

Speaking also as an XSX as well as a PS5 owner, PS5's SSD has yet to actually show it is faster. It has the same performance as XSX’s. Maybe in the future some games will fully take advantage of it, but so far, no game actually saturates PS5's reported top SSD bandwidth.
Regarding the rest of the features, i’ll give

With that being said, this is literally one of the only features this console cycle that has really shown to be favorable in Microsoft’s court”
I mean.. besides the XSX being considerably more powerful than the PS5?

They don’t even have the PC excuse, there’s like 2-3 CPU’s on the market that can actually run this game smoothly at over 1080p@60fps with max settings on (assuming 3080 or 3090 gpu). That’s shit optimization on PC as well, it’s ridiculous to build a game for only the 1% of top hardware.

?? It’s a living world/story, that’s how things happen. Most of the times in history you don’t have single events that are completely isolated and don’t impact each other, especially on a scale like the MCU stories and especially on events that happen geographically close.

?? It’s a living world/story, that’s how things happen. Most of the times in history you don’t have single events that are completely isolated and don’t impact each other, especially on a scale like the MCU stories and especially on events that happen geographically close.