Andrei Nitu

Tsushima has great visuals and artistic design, but AWFUL graphics for its generation, so kinda bad example there. You could say RDR2 or TLOU2 have amazing graphics. 

Congratz on giving the only real example in the history of the internet regarding this cause. And ignoring the absolute bonkers massive amounts of times that all of these influential bombings did so much bad.

and you never quite know when you’re doing something you may get banned for doing”
Yes you fucking do. You most assuredly do. If getting a promo bonus that’s specifically only aimed, targetted, DECLARED as available on the PS5, and then selling it on ebay for PS4 owners doesn’t raise any red flags inside your brain,

Personally I’d just love for them to scrap everything and release Destiny 3.

But I want to play as the prettiest elf in the realm? What’s wrong wit dat?

Oh yeah, damn people for wanting to just enjoy themselves and have fun on their own terms. If they’re not playing it the way you want, then it somehow makes your own life worse, right? Pff..

Shame. Had they done that, I would have actually bought it, because it looks cool. But I am not that young anymore, and I don’t have the patience to get annoyed by a game that is hard for the sake of being hard. Pity.

The console wars are basically over because none of the major players are actually playing the same game anymore.”
Very well said.

I wouldn’t have bought xbox one vs ps4. I would, however, have bought xbox one x over ps4 pro. I’m a graphics whore, I also game on PC and have a pretty banging PC. But I love the low-effort gaming on couch from a console. But I also want to game on the most powerful console available. I have the ps4 pro for

While I do agree (I game both on console and on PC), I’d have to say that I’d rather choose couch + 65 inch TV over desk + 27 inch monitor. THEN AGAAAIN. Over either of these, I’d rather go with a desk + 34 inch ultrawide 3440x1440p monitor. Too bad my GPU can’t handle that + 120fps. 

Exactly this. Games used to have pretty damn creative and personalized UI’s, down to the font itself. Just look at Morrowind+Oblivion vs Skyrim. Hell, look at Witcher 1 vs Witcher 2 or 3 even. 

listen.. have you actually TRIED to game at higher refresh rates for a while? Because I can’t honestly believe you keep holding on to your opinion if you had. The more I reach the 120fps sweet spot, the more I don’t need any motion blur because the image itself is smooth enough. And the more I play at 100+ fps, the

Sorry bro, but the moment I started gaming on a 144hz display ( my laptop), was the moment I realized how awful 60fps can be. I cannot game competitively on a 60fps anymore, it just feels so stuttery compared to how silky smooth 120-144 hz feels. I have since changed my main gaming PC’s monitor to a higher refresh

Watch Dogs has historically sucked on PC, I agree. But I will have to mentioned that high CPU usage aside, AC from Origins onwards has been surprisingly well PC-oriented. The options in the games are impressively extensive. And the same is the case of Far Cry 5 and of Division 2, amazing attention to PC options.

Yeah, they created a completely separate in-game model for her, just so they can use it in that scene to make her white, because they’re RACIST.

To each their own man, personally I love the modern day sci-fi setting and would have loved for it to continue having the same importance as ac 1-3. Part of the reason I disliked Black Flags so much is that the modern day stuff was heavily smallified, and while I loved Unity’s story, I hated that it abandoned the

Wow, lol, that’s some grade-A bullshit right there. Bright light, high-pitched sound, loud sound, these are issues with people with sensitivities. Having the game perform *MORE NATURALLY* and more like a real-world experience, and less like movies from 100 years ago when 24fps is all they could manage, is NOT

Meh, I stopped reading after you expressed that massively antiquated opinion that framerate doesn’t matter and 60fps feels weird. It’s not 2005 any more man, honestly. Microsoft / Xbox SX’s push to standardize 60fps on consoles is the one of the main reasons I’m postponing getting the PS5 in favor of the SX.

How is equipment massively improved in 3, when 1 had a bajillion more items and upgrades than either of the other 2? It’s streamlined, sure, it’s less complex, sure. But especially the RPG part, it’s completely dumbed down in 2 and 3 compared to the skill-building complexity of me1. ME1 really evolved from Bioware’s

That’s why for me I choose the Indoctrination Theory to be my headcanon, and simply imagine the last few steps as what would come naturally after that. It all just makes so much more narrative sense, and the ending would not be nearly as bleak.