Andrei Nitu

I still don’t even have a 4K TV.”
How though, honestly.. In Romania, a borderline third-world country, 1080p TV’s are barely being sold. You can get a 4K TV dirt-cheap.

Which is the weirdest thing, here in Romania, a ‘second-world’ country so to speak, you can barely even find a non-4K TV that’s also decent. Instead, you find 4K TV’s for as little as 250-300 dollars.

Why they made the choice? Microsoft has been pretty adamant that 60fps should be standard. PC gaming has had this for a while now, 30fps is not something that should be held as the ‘correct’ way. Microsoft simply said, 60fps is a lot smoother, it feels better, so let’s make our games with that in mind so they feel

Kevin Spacey wasn’t being accused at that point in time, it wasn’t public knowledge that he was a sexual predator. Furthermore, being a shitty person aside, he is an absolutely fantastic and amazing actor. So what’s done is done, personally he was awesome in CoD Advanced Warfare.

Because it looks cool? Not everything has to be a statement, and not every artist has to be paranoid about upsetting/offending/triggering someone..

Lol bro, I use it after almost EVERY fight, it’s the most epic shit ever.

The Xbox SX fan is at the very top, sucking airflow from below. But it is a top fan, not a bottom fan.

I don’t get this argument that you and so many people keep shooting, you guys need to get something through your heads: consoles don’t net profit! Microsoft doesn’t get money from their consoles, they get money from games and Game Pass. If you buy their games and game pass on PC or Xbox One X/S, that’s the bulk of the

You just answered your own question, why WOULDN’T Avowed be a microsoft exclusive when they own the studio now. And as you’ve said, both Pillars and Outer Worlds were done before the MS acquisition, so they don’t count.
Still, Microsoft exclusive means PC as well, if you’ve got a decent gaming rig, you’ll be able to

all of the big ones are Series X exclusive”
What...? They’re.. not though, they already went on to say that won’t happen. What the showcase said repeatedly is “Optimized for Series X”, meaning it will most llikely come standardized with 4K@60fps, but it will most likely come on Xbox One X at 4K@30fps / 1440p@30fps and

And that.. bothers you? It bothers you that you don’t have to spend extra money if you already have a PC? You’re... upset that Microsoft just gave you the freedom to play their games wherever you like?

Depends how you look at it. For me, the jump from 30 to 60fps as the standard is one gigantically huge leap. It’s the primary reason I’m leaning towards Xbox and not PS5, because Microsoft has been consistent about pushing higher framerates instead of better graphics.
And this has been an especially big revelation for

Uhm, well, allow me to tell you then. I absolutely love it when my culture gets depicted in a fantasy environment in any way. I’m not white. I’ve been shunned by certain white demographics. Yet I have no issue whatsoever with my culture being the basis for FICTIONAL UNIVERSES, because I actually like that, and also

Dishonored 1, 2, Prey. Enough said.

Except this is a rumor dating as back as 1915 and it was proven false even then. The sources cited in this article themselves end their investigation by saying it’s most certainly fake, but the root and twitter only read the opening paragraph...

But what’s the issue really? Suddenly opresees CANNOT also be shitty people? Suddenly if you’re oppressed you’re automatically an angel? 

But the empire was fascist. Except ethnicity and gender become irrelevant when you’re facing aliens. They are very xenophobic. So substitute white men for multi-ethnic humans, and substitute multi-ethnic women with non-human species.

It’s a simulator, like the old x-wing games, ofcourse it’s first person, that’s how it’s meant to. You don’t see your own body in real life, you don’t see your own car while you’re driving in real life, and you sure as hell don’t see your own plane when dogfighting in real life.

I mean, MS themselves have clearly shown they have no intention of releasing actual console exclusives anymore. All their first-party titles are “Play Anywhere” titles right now, playable on both Xbox and PC. So technically they are only exclusive to Microsoft’s environment, in that they aren’t present on PS, but they

Sony simply says that some PS4 games *THIS YEAR* will become part of your PS5 library. MS Says that the idea from this point forward is that all games that they have direct control over (1st party) and some according to their developers wishes (3rd party), will be completely agnostic to console edition, and they will