
10. No- The Escalade is only as popular as it is because its a Cadillac. Taking that away from it just makes it another luxury SUV. Why dont rappers and sports stars want a clearly superior Touareg? It wasnt what grandpa desired back in the day.

I'm just gonna be that guy.

Ok....I see your 300TD......and I raise you....

The switches are where God intended them to be - on the center console.

I just bid on it. Now I need to convince my wife this was a sane thing to do.

This would be called "Der Kammino", ja?

Before we go back to the drawing board to try and reinvent the wheel, let's get back to basics and go with the tried and true methods, starting with metal door handles instead of PLASTIC ONES THAT YOU CAN SHOVE A SCREWDRIVER INTO AND THEN BEND TO PULL THE CONNECTING ROD TO UNLOCK THE DAMN DOOR AND DISABLE THE ENTIRE

My grievance is something that's been discussed all year: cost of fun cars. "Millennials", or people in general, want the most bang for their buck. Enthusiasts want it taken to 11 by comparison. Sure, there's value to be had at the BRZ, ST, GTI, Miata, etc. level but that's not where people are looking.

Oh man, I thought the duo-valve in my W124 was unnecessarily complicated for a simple heater.

As far as I can tell, Mercedes wants you to give up, engage the "Auto" climate control and use the temperature knobs only. What are these, seat adjustment buttons? And "AC OFF?" When the button is off, is the AC on? No? And the "Rest" button can't refer to a restroom, can it?

What a saab story, I thought parking enforcement officers evolvoed beyond this