Enuff wit yur fancee explainins, egghead. All whut I saw is a black guy disppear and that’s whut I voted fer. #MAGA
Enuff wit yur fancee explainins, egghead. All whut I saw is a black guy disppear and that’s whut I voted fer. #MAGA
That’s fitting. The tiny moon gets in the way of the massive life-giving sun for two minutes, and all the sudden, the moon thinks it’s better than the sun.
Please go tweet that to Trump immediately and take your star, you American hero.
But in the midst of the storm, he threw in a retweet of a meme showing himself eclipsing his predecessor, Barack Obama.
The kind where we all die
So Obama is a source of life bringing energy and trump is a dead moon that every now and then stumbles in the way?
Cause that orange shitstain is an imbecile
This commenting system is factually, objectively worse, with fewer features.
Remember comically long pointy toes on pumps? What a time, what a moment.
Found GRRM’s burner.
someone who knows, GRRM
Fantasists who release their novels every year, do not offer books of large volume.
I HAVE THIS SHIRT! I wear it to the gym regularly. I rotate it out with the long-form Made in the USA t-shirt.
Uhhhh ... throwing a body overboard and then lying about it doesn’t seem like a natural way to respond to an accident at sea. If this really is her body, then dismembering the body of the accident victim seems like a really unusual decision.
Near Charleston SC, under thick cloud cover. Totality pic is 10k ISO to resolve it so theyre a bit noisy but what a show!
Shut up, Becky!
y u make me sad
I am frankly pissed off that I did not know this before this week. I assumed - you know what they say about assuming! - that public statues of this sort MUST be unique, handmade artworks (despite representing something terrible). On this basis I ASSumed that they had some merit that made them worth saving, if only in…