and our sister Dot

I'm torn because I hate violence but I also hate Fox News.

Maybe they're not because she wasn't being a sexual predator and that this is an overt case horrible, sensationalist media?

she was seven years old and had a moment of curiousity about her baby sisters vagina. Anybody who claims that's sexually predatory behaviour is really reaching

Hadn't heard about that, and from my reading, I've got to say that it's a bit of a stretch to call what was described as being a sexual predator. First of all, she was seven. Secondly, the people making these accusations are Dunham's critics, not her little sister. From what I can tell, her little sister thinks this

What the hell, kid? You should be in school. And that school should be shielding you from prosecution for rape.

I love the smith kids and I love that they're able to be as weird and creative as they want. I wish more young children had that luxury.

WAG OF THE FINGER: Stephen Colbert has announced the end date for his game-changing television show The Colbert Report. The final episode will air on December 18th.

Anti-abortion groups oppose assisted suicide, they say, for the same reasons they oppose abortion: because every human being should live from the moment of conception until their "natural" death.

One of my fondest hopes is that, by the time I'm elderly, it will be possibly to easily end one's life without stigma. My mom is 88, in pain all the time, bored, sick of everything, and has stated repeatedly that she is ready to go. I wish she could make that choice for herself.

"Texas Right to Life"

uhhh christ made that choice for himself.

I will agree that, as a general rule, human life does have an innate value. That's one of the big reasons I work in a healthcare field with patients that are often overlooked, because I don't feel that a medical diagnosis somehow lessens their value as a person. But to argue that quality of life doesn't play a huge

Fuck these people. Honestly, what is wrong with them?

every human being should live from the moment of conception until their "natural" death. And so organizations like ******Texas******* Right to Life

Kinda makes me like him more. He looks like a human person. Not like those damn Jolie-Pitt children who look like if an angel had sex with an even more angel-y angel and they had a baby and the baby's portrait was drawn in pastels and then airbrushed and brought to life by Walt Disney.