and our sister Dot

Well, shit. You've got about a 50/50 chance of divorce anyway. So, bring on the skating rink diamond! Divorce is always a little easier to handle when you know you've got yourself a nice little nest egg should things follow the nationally-recognized trend regardless.

That can happen to anybody, so you have to be more careful.

There's a lot going on in this story. Rape culture. Male entitlement. The horrifying fact that people are carrying guns around for no damn reason.

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.

What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.

Eh. "Creativity" is no substitute for actually understanding "X" groups lived experience, especially if "X" group faces things that the majority of people never face, or has sensory experience that most people can't understand. I can't begin to catalog the number of things that heterosexual people get wrong when

I love how he says "but you KNOW those shows are not nearly as good" as if everyone else agrees with him.

"Some of these other shows — My Brother and Me, Diego, and Legend of Korra — it's great that they're bringing diversity into it now. ... But you know those shows are not nearly as good as Ren and Stimpy, which was made by all white people!"

"I don't really care what sector of society it shows." Of course you don't, when nearly every show has a white male protagonist of course you don't fucking care. Just like privileged people with the best healthcare don't care if we get universal health care or not. And rich people don't care that college tuition is so

isn't this a book?

I feel so bad for this guy. Even back then when they were pushing him really hard as a sex symbol it was obvious he was intensely uncomfortable in the spotlight. I wish we could all send him one big fan letter telling him we just want to hear the music and he can look however he wants!

The Raaaaaaandy stuff was a parody. He's stated several times it was to parody the role he had in Funny People and that he actually hates that style of comedy.

Announcing that white folks freed the slaves (after enslaving them first) is a new one, though.

And oddly enough, none of them appeared to have brought their black friend to the game

Automatic assumption that black people don't have jobs. Check

You forgot to add "Deadspin reader who is a Cardinal fan, gets to whine in comments about 'being ragged on' again."

And you get to feel superior and write a comment about Deadspin dissing the Cardinals and their fans. So you win, too!

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

Uhh, so we're literally just reposting Daily Fail misogynistic clickbait bullshit now? I know Jez is running on a skeleton crew lately and I don't expect academic dissertations on global economic issues anyway, but would a tiny bit of quality control kill us?