Anders Eklöf

Batman was called The Leather Patch (Läderlappen) in the early stages here in Sweden...

In my fantasies, Fables(Once Upon a Time is not Fables) would be amazing as a tv-show, but it would probably not be as good as the comics.

I played it for 2-3 weeks and loved it. I didn't even clear the main missions. Then i just decided to stop playing it.

The phonecalls come out from the controller even if you aren't in first person mode. I think it is a setting or something, but for me the voices come from it all the time. I love it!

Fabulous! <3

I have played for 8 hours and just changed from Paladin to Miner. Weird game this is...

I really like the cardgame Tetra Master from Final Fantasy IX. So simplistic yet kind of advanced further in the game.

All you need is One Smile

If it means darker than all the bad animated stuff they have made the last year, i am all for it. I hate the style of the animated DC cartoons

One thing i am sure of now is that i want to replay the trilogy soon

Futurama is one of my absolute favorite tv-shows. Period.

I read a lot of bad reviews of Bojack Horseman at first, but then i started to watch it i loved it kind of fast. Great black humour and also a lot of emotional stuff in it. Don't miss out on the amazing trip episode!

Yeah, the style of animation is not that great, but you get used to it.

Seriously, don't miss out on the football in the Tower. Can often be found near some crates by the balcony or near the post office.

It's kind of a good costume, so i don't mind...

Mine absolutely was Naruto. A friend of mine downloaded the series before i even had a broadband connection and we started watching it together.

I always wonder how big audience the smaller animés have when they air on television. Because the amount of shows produced every year, i can see that a lot of studios loose money.

There is only a few shows that get to be a great franschise with figurines, video games and such.

I really don't like the artstyle in the animated DC-movies. They all look the same and kind of boring.

Oh "Next up: Star Ocean 2" !!! The first two games in the series is so good and have many similarities with the Tales-games.

Imagine a remake of Final Fantasy VI in this graphic. THAT would be a great remake. Or what about VII? Skip the super HD graphics a PS4-remake would be and do something like this instead.

The third one looks like Pikachu is drowning...