
Agreed, the best day was the first day! 

If all goes well, I should make about 55k off the sale which will pay off all the remaining balance off my student loans and my car - which will make me almost completely debt free. So I will come out pretty nicely after all said and done! And thanks - they kind of suck 

Same, all AP classes I took 10 years ago ended that way. Tests done by a national organization where you were given a final score 1-5 and that score was translated to college credit for some schools (IIRC).

My HVAC was 19 years old when I bought my house so I did need a new one - though I didn’t know it when I bought the house. I wasn’t super knowledgeable when it came to the home buying process and had no one in my corner which was really a disservice.

Im selling my house right now and going back to renting (for a lot of reasons) but one of them is that I’ve honestly hated every second of owning a house except that I can say I bought a house at 26.

My dad travels for work and did my entire childhood. I almost never saw him growing up because he traveled like 2 weeks out of every month. As a rule, my parents came to one band concert and one marching band show per year because they said the rest were a waste of time and they were busy. My dad claims he regrets how

Yes exactly. Taking a vacation does not really help. I work seven days a week across two jobs and I am completely burned out. Earlier this year I took a week vacation to Alaska for my 30th birthday. I came back to work and everyone was like “You should feel so much better now! All rested and relaxed right?” And I felt

My best friend is in a relationship like this - it is very weird. She is 27 and he is 35 which you would think is both healthy ages but she has never lived on her own, doesnt have a license or car, and has always dated someone so they could be the adult in the relationship. They moved in together like 6 months after

The only thing that comes to mind was Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders. Could that be it? 

I totally agree with this.

AHHHHHHH this was my favorite as a child. I was convinced I was the only person who remembered it until now. 

Because my day job is as a graphic designer which means staring at a screen all day before I go to my night job in retail. So I take breaks catching up here :)

I feel the same way about flights man. I work two jobs, seven days a week, and have zero free time. But when I travel - I find being on a plane is sort of like forced free time. Its the only time where I HAVE to do nothing. Its the only time where my brain will let me do nothing. Its wonderful. I put on my headphones,

Oooooh interesting! I guess I take it for granted that we have so many in my city. I grew up with them being very common here and even when I travel around the southeast I see them regularly. Nashville has them everywhere. I assumed they were pretty common. 

I started framing the extra special cards. For my 30th birthday I got several cards with really heartfelt notes written in them. I decided to frame the written part and if the front was particularly pretty or special - I got a side by side frame for it and the note.

Wait is Jack in the Box thought to be a “west coast” thing? Because I live in tennessee and they are all over the south. Like I did a cursory search and we have fourteen in my city alone. Im pretty sure they are in the southeast fairly frequently. (Though I don’t think they are in the north east at all so there is

On one hand, yes be who you want to be. But also GIRL who you are at 15 is not who you will be at 20 or at 30 or at 70 and THAT IS OKAY. It kind of feels like Jojo is clingy hard to this life because she it has become so much of her identity it can be hard to let it go. I mean she has monetized the fuck out of it and

Dude. This was a tough read and I am so glad you ended up making it through and are still here.

Agreed. The knighting scene was all we needed. It showed his respect for her and feelings. ShowJaime said everything he needed to say right then. Having him sleep with her then leave to literally throw every thing away for Cersei felt so weird and unnecessary - definitely whiplash-y and way out of character for the

It was weird and almost cruel to Brienne’s character. Like if that was the plan all along from the writers - to have Jaime run home to Cersei and die with her, or run off with her, or save her or whatever - why even include the storyline where he is happy with and sleeping with (and maybe even cohabiting with)