
Which is precisely why the police union needs to be eliminated. There should be NO government/state/local employees that are part of a union.

So much this, the police union is a huge amount of the problem here. If departments could just get rid of the pieces of shit that are commiting the unjust acts, I think most of them would.

Punching someone in the face will kill them? You’ve been watching too many movies.

The police unions are a big part of the problem. Eliminate the union and you will see the blue line crumble.

Doesn’t he have a pile of cash coming to him in the form of an unlawful detainment settlement?

This video gave a very accurate portrayal of their department and their policies, we can’t have the truth getting out!

had a ‘95 Integra special edition and though I was the only kid at my school (of 2500) that had one, I most certainly did lust after the Type-R. Not $45k lust after them, but certainly wished I could have converted mine.

This is exactly what happened when I purchased a CPO 3 series about 15 years ago. The suspensions bushings creaked and groaned every time I went up my driveway, the dealer refused to do anything about it because it was simply cracked, not broken. i asked if i went out and hooned the thing until it broke, would they

LOL you think Ryan is an investor? He’s merely trying to get clicks, not enrich himself via his non-existent portfolio.

This is so awesome, what a great decal!

“While Clinton’s tweet is commendable, it’s worth questioning why her mother kept Reines in her powerful orbit for decades. When offending a female political reporter isn’t rebuked but offending Donald Trump Jr. is, it seems to reveal something of a double standard, and speaks to a larger issue within the Clintons’

Guilfoyle looks an awful lot like Bruce Jenner’s updated look, are we sure they aren’t the same person?

So you are suggesting the commenters at Breitbart are merely expressing the thoughts of millions of Trump supporters? You are on some next level shit if you can read the minds of all those people. You should have your own show!

It isn’t a superfund site. If it was a superfund site then the EPA would already be cleaning it up. Hewitt is asking for it to be a superfund site, and if the area is toxic and not conducive to human health then it should be cleaned up. This appears to be righteous indignation for the sake of righteous indignation.

“There is no mainstream liberal media outlet.”

I’m confused, are you opposed to cleaning up toxic waste?

Are you suggesting that there are literally millions of Trump supporters in the comments section of Breitbart? It would appear you are trying to support your argument with ridiculous and absurd exaggerations.

I appreciate you trying, but these are the people who believe everyone to the right of Marx is a nazi. There is no rational, constructive conversation to be had.

“The left used to be very humorless and scolding.”

I know, I’ve been reading here over 5 years, I just never felt the need to comment until 2016. :) You and the penguin are islands in this sea of misfits.