
What the fuck is with all the rules? What is this, Dungeons and Dragons?

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.

But remember, despite the fact they can be driven into a rapey, violent rage by a smile, direct eye contact, or a flash of female wrist or ankle, men are still the wisest, most capable, and most well-suited for leadership than women are.

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

How is “a woman afraid of what society thinks eventually overcomes that fear and does what she wants” not an improvement over “a man roofies and rapes a woman who just wants to get home to her family”?

Someone on Twitter recently (I wish I could remember who) pointed out that, the way it was originally written and performed, what this song is really about is a woman who wants to buck social norms of propriety and stay with him but feels pressured to leave so she doesn’t suffer social consequences and stigma. And

Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War

a vagina is actually not a manhole. You can’t just fall into one.

Sadly I’ve discovered that women just don’t seem to be interested in whether or not a person is a freemason. I don’t know why I even bother going to the lodge anymore.

She also once cancelled a meeting with Putin because he was late.

Okay then. How about we start with THIS open list: Everyone. No favoritism; no discrimination. America, whining spoiled toddler that it is, can’t play responsibly with its 300 million plus dangerous toys. So all the toys go Bye-Bye while we all get an extended time out in the Naughty Corner to reflect on our bad

I have seen both and been a receptionist. I did turn gay, though.

You know what? Good for her.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

real conversation i’ve had with a tinder date

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

I stayed up way too late, functioning off of 4 hours of sleep and only one cup of coffee. I had to read the first paragraph like 5 times and I still don’t get it.

I had a patron ask me for a picture of Jesus. No, not a artistic rendering, but an actual photograph taken of Jesus during his lifetime.

Thank you. I’m so tired of these discussions playing out in the same ways.