
Okay but the nomination process isn’t obligated to be democratic. The parties used to just straight up pick their nominees. In that light keeping a voice in the nomination process doesn’t sound all that weird or improper.

So you think that taking someone’s money would intrinsically make someone beholden to them? I mean come on if Hillary Clinton is really as devious as all that isn’t it just as likely that she’ll take their money with a smile, sing for her supper, and then knife them in the back?

Isn’t that the point though? That you can take money from Wall St. and not be in their pocket?


oh Clinton will straight up kneecap a motherfucker if she gotta

You mean like a beartrap?

I went with my mom to see it, I was 18 at the time. We both had a blast and she got something extra out of it since she was already a big fan of Les Mis.

Gonna be honest — on one hand they do a lot of period pieces that could credibly have all white casts in the context of the setting of the film. On the other hand The Ladykillers is one of my favorite films of theirs. I wonder if it isn’t just a case of them feeling unfamiliar with writing and directing minorities

Well it absolutely is a normal human thing to sort things into contextual groups; this is in no way exclusive to white people (nor something that is inherently shameful). Failure to recognize this and account for it? Yeah, probably shameful. Diversity is strength.

Of course it’s not just a lady thing, I thought this was known? I’m a guy with RBF and it absolutely does affect my life so...

It’s not the arms, it’s the clothes. Nothing he wears actually fits.

Another thing that’s flying under the radar is how .. hmm .. I think the best word to use on this site is ‘entitled’ although in other places I plan to call him a scrub. There was a story on Vox about how Clinton had a plan to prop up O’Malley in Iowa because his voters would move to Bernie and if O’Malley didn’t make

I absolutely adore subtle visual humor — a joke that is there in plain sight but doesn’t call attention to itself. Subversion, in this case meaning something more like a coded message, is also something I really enjoy. To that end the moment where Mulder’s “attack” is playing back on the smartphone being more or less

Fight Club matches it easily but where 2001 wears symbolism on its sleeve Fight Club hides it in the back alleyway of your brain.

Stop being reductive.

Probably has something to do with the fact that there’s more to the steam controller than an analog stick.

I’ve used it just fine to replace the KB+M in games that weren’t meant to use a controller and even in one game that really wanted you to use an XB1 controller. The steampad is made to be configured to your liking so it’s literally the opposite of what you said.

There’s a setting to rotate the axis of the right pad so that it fits a more natural sweep of your thumb.

Let me tell you the story of a little boy who uses ESDF for movement and likes to play Fallout 4: You cannot do these two things at the same time (or at least you couldn’t when the game released and the first fix they put in didn’t fix everything). Long story short you could rebind your movement to E but everything

If only they had gone for the super fucking obvious “ReactWorld” trademark instead...