Anastasia P

First time I heard it in public was in 2005 when my congresswoman (black) held a public event on voting rights following our screwed-up 2004 election here in Ohio. Since the special guest, Hillary Clinton (white), was running late, different local officials got up and talked, and one judge got up and sang “Lift Every

Do you really think most racist white people, or even most white people in general, even know what this song is? I will say the this white person, me, only knows it because I live in a majority/minority congressional district and am active in Democratic politics which in my district is extremely diverse. I’ll bet if

My best friend will be in line behind you to piss on Eric and Donnie Jr’s grass. She has been on a tear ever since she heard about (she can’t stand to look at) the photos of them with their big game hunting trophies. She is hoping they go hunting and an animal turns the game around on them.

I don’t know. I am live in majority minority congressional district (Oh-11, although I hasten to add I am FROM Chicago where only 12% voted for this clown) and see no one lining up to praise him. In fact, if I scroll through my Facebook feed I will see many of my Black friends and acquaintances cursing him out. I know

South Side Chicago girl here (South Shore) where my sister still lives. It is not a rat-infested hell hole. Many neighborhoods have problems due to neglect, disinvestment and abandonment, but the city and the South Side are not “rat-infested hellholes” like the White House which is infested by a very large orange rat.

Also, Nestor can pass for white. Maybe Gaetz “mentored” him but that’s not the same as Nestor being his “son.”

I also can’t get past the fact that Garmback and Loehmann, the two cops, have paid no price at all. The only one who has, sort of, is former county prosecutor Tim McGinty, who lost his job in the following election after acting inappropriately as a sort of defense lawyer for the cops during the GRAND JURY proceedings,

EXACTLY. This is what angered me when they made a big deal out of the dispatcher maybe not making it clear enough that this was a child and that the gun was a toy. If Tamir had been an adult with a real gun, the only thing the officers would have had a right to do is ask “May we see your permit, sir?” And the idea

All I could think about yesterday was Tamir, Tamir, Tamir. It still galls me that the officers Frank Garmback and Tim Loehmann not just got off, but Garmback was allowed to stay on, and Loehmann, the shooter, was terminated for something trivial and another town in Ohio actually tried to hire him (Samaria Rice led a

I would never take financial advice from someone who can’t punctuate and uses capital letters so promiscuously.

Can you imagine what Republicans would have said if Michelle Obama had a foreign accent that thick — 25 years after coming to this country as a young woman? I have a good friend who came here from Mexico about that many years ago and you can’t even tell her native tongue isn’t English except that she speaks really

Delightfully, he’s been fired from his emergency room job. But why do Ohio Republicans keep electing people like him and Nino “I’m darker than anyone in the picture” Vitale.

I just don’t see what the gray area is here. They gunned down an innocent woman in her bed as she slept.

Apparently, more than one person has tried to take Rand Paul out in the past, for obvious reasons. I wouldn’t blame anyone who did so. I wouldn’t mind taking a swing at hime myself occasionally.

I disagree. I think in fact they are legitimatizing him because they see him as an excitingly polarizing future presidential prospect and want to get on his good side now to set up a future “horse race” they can participate in. Quoting him in a news story that puts his ideas in context, exploring the constitutionality

“undercuts The Times’s journalistic reputation..” Seems like their decision to run this piece of crap by this piece of garbage did the whole job of this on its own. What reputation?

What’s baffling me is how they say over and over they want to protect his privacy — but they’re making a video and posting it online. They could have just not done that and bingo! privacy!

Yes, and as with the larger society, the bullies terrorize and silence the “good cops,” if you want to call them that. Here in Cleveland, the white police union, for the first time in its history, endorsed a presidential candidate in 2016. Guess who. The sad thing was they gave the membership no option to vote for “no

Amen! I was horrified and disgusted when some small Ohio town was ready to hire Timothy Loehmann, the officer who murdered Tamir Rice. He was hired in Cleveland after his previous department said he was unsuited for police work at all. Luckily there was so much outcry they backed down but it wouldn’t surprised me if

Trump IS “Uncle Rapey” so I’m confused. And what is this “Democratic establishment” whereof you speak? I’ve heard this from many Berners but they can never define it!