Anastasia P

She also has a very thin resume compared to other new congresswoman about her age (check out Lauren Underwood who is not just stunning, stylish and also rocks red lipstick, but has almost a decade of work in health care and public health). I hope in the future to hear more about her rolling up her sleeves, educating

I think she invites the scrutiny in order to elicit passionate defense from people on the left who appear to have a little bit of an infatuation with her. SHE is the one who brought up her age and appearance and then turned around and attacked people for mentioning it. (Sarah Palin did the exact same thing, which is

The fact that they are interviewing someone this inexperienced, unknowledgeable and underqualified guarantees a bad interview on both sides. These interviews are setting her up to fail by not giving her a chance to get up to speed before making her the spokesperson for everything. She can never live up to the hype. I

I believe it’s six bankruptcies and there would have been a lot more if his daddy hadn’t bailed out many of his early business failures.

They’d collect more if they went after Trump.

That’s “Lie-berman” not “Lieberman.” I still recall when he was my second most hated politician after Dick Cheney. 

David Sirota is also an arrogant Bro. of the worst type; someone who is rude, condescending and dismissive of anyone who disagrees with him or disputes his facts. We butted heads in 2006 when he write some wildly incorrect stuff about the U.S. Senate race in Ohio and I pointed out the facts. He insisted he was right

This white voter will also reject anyone who trashes Obama. The problem with the far left is they want magic and reject anyone who isn’t a magician, or claims to be (electing him would rapidly demonstrate Bernie isn’t either, as the constraints of the office and politics in general would bar him from fulfilling his

She needs to come to MY Target. Not only are we are well-blended community of black and white, it’s also in the middle of the largest Jewish orthodox community between NY and Chicago, we have a large influx of Asia students at a nearby college and one often sees Muslim women in hijabs or even full burkas. She’d have a

Wow. That’s a hideous statue, on so many levels.

I had never heard of him (I’m a Yankee from Chicago) but when I looked him up, I found there still IS a school named after him in Chapel Hill, Tennessee. No wonder my mother used to tell me “There’s nothing south of the Mason-Dixon Line you need to see.” (Not that Chicago didn’t have its own issues when I was growing

THIS is why our legislature here in Idiohio passing the most extreme version of “Stand Your Ground” this past week is so scary — especially after the Speaker (who comes from a tiny town with less than 3% black population) cut off the mic of a representative from a majority-black district in Cleveland who was trying to