Anastasia D. Beaverhausen

I missed much of what she was saying but I was so fatigued by her accent I didn't even have the energy to replay it.

I think Ray and Shosh are going to end up together. I wonder why she has been such a background player lately.

If that's the case, I find it interesting that in the end he really was a winking perv.

There are guys that are just manipulative, narcissistic penis fly traps, and they know how to zero in on girls who have self esteem or people pleasing issues. You can call them out as dicks but unless it's a teacher/student, underage, intoxicated or work situation, and you consent, even with some trepidation, there's

He looks more like George W Bush if you ask me.

I think there are a lot of factors at work. You have to be pretty motivated and disciplined to keep a healthy diet and excercise schedule going. Also the American diet is shit. Even the healthy stuff is missing a lot of the vitamins and minerals and is loaded with chemicals. But I'm not going to lie, for me it's the

Me too. They are all so unlikeable but yet I'm fascinated. Say what you will about her but she reels us in.

When I scream in to my 19 year old that he's used enough(the bathroom unfortunately adjoins my bedroom and it seems he needs to take a dump every night at around mid nite and he slams his hand down on the roll so that it rolls….and rolls and rolls several times over the course of minutes with no courtesy flushing in

I am happy to contribute to your scientific endeavor. I can never bring charmin into my house. My boys use a half a roll of toilet paper every time they drop a deuce so I would have to employ a full time plumber. I also feel like charmin leaves my lady cave linty. And lastly, Scott, almost down to the floor which i

There's a big difference between clapping somebody on the back for being a big fatty and not portraying them onscreen like a lonely loser. I think by her character always catching some d and throwing her nakedness around is just a big fuck you to an industry that looks to punish fat people with their portrayals.

Actually you could argue that showing that person smoking, and portraying that person as unsavory in other ways as well as every other person who smokes does pretty much brainwash people into having a certain attitude towards smoking. It's actually a big part of the reason why smoking has been much less popular than

Totally chill, trust me.

I think she was also spreading herself thin on the relidiculous HTGAWM and her other forgettable show

I get what you're saying but it's equally destructive wasting time obsessing over a body that is unattainable too. Not that I do that (for the most part) Because kids growing up in the last couple of generations never even see real women in magazines anymore…just franken-crafted pieces of women, and now men too. That

Yikes a D- and only 23 comments! How far the mighty Shonda Rhimes has fallen.

It's sad. I've had male bosses who were way more supportive than many of the women I've worked for.


I think most people misunderstand what a role confidence and understanding what your strengths are play in getting a piece of ass for either gender. There are lots of ugly people paired up with attractive mates.

Not only does Lena Dunham attempt to break the stereotype that you need a perfect body to get a cute guy, she also smashes the theory that unattractive girls with unattractive bodies are basically willing to do anything and everything in the bed to make up for the unattractiveness.

His character is so ridiculous. He didn't start out that pathetic.