USE 1322

This is why kids are retards. Because we treat them like idiots.

Your kids a fucking pussy faggot and you’re a bad parent. Get. Fucking. GUD.

Weapon degradation in FC2 was wonderful. I never recall it being a nuisance and have no idea why people disliked it so much -- it made for something far more interesting. Seeing your rpg rockets sputter around in the heat of a battle and light the plains on fire is hilarious. 

Jim, is that you?

hookshot could’ve been a cool thing in the game.


the best spray in the game.

about fucking time.

Mm. . sweet delicious Nintendo SFX . . .

This is all some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing headlines of. . .goo great universe. . is this what we’re here for? Are we all this fucking bored?

Breaking News: Expansion Packs to make a huge comeback. Nintendo at the forefront of tech.

Achievements are fucking stupid. Who gives a shit?

Thanks for this vid, man. It’s good to see the ideas that go into this. We need more of this, more people who think like this.

I’m pansexual. I get really turned on by non-stick.

Would’ve been more interesting if she was bi. I could see that more.


yeah dude, she steampunk af.

Gotta have that DLC bRUHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlegghhhhh.

Seems like a cool person.

“Lesser game mode” Hahaha

Perhaps in BF1. It does need some proper tuning.