pretty funny how a reouned RPG series, one of the firsts, decides to copy another game in a completely different genre.
I almost exclusively just play Leagues special modes (hexakill, etc) these days. That or I’m in Dominion or ARAM - sometimes 3’s.
Everyone’s just upset because it isn’t REAL LIFE.
Didn’t Mass Effect 2 let you do this? I feel like I remember a selection where you could skip either or. I just played it normally so I don’t know — But I remember being able to choose.
They’d probably do a bit better if they were rapid firing their guns / getting power ups.
I’m still worried about this voiced character shit. .
wanna see league. How many clicks per game, etc.
Remember when a modder got Watch Dogs looking just about as good as the early gameplay demos and trailers? Why not allow PC gamers to really pump their graphics up as high as they can get them?
It’s really not though.
“But a creator unable to make the sort of games he wants isn’t really a creator at all. He is just a man… and we all know what that is.” — pretty nice quote.
Couldn’t help but think of this. I was wondering when they were going to do something similar in league when i first saw this.
kind of wish his scarred eye was pure just blinded and white. Would be more badass and ad some. . .oh, i dunno. CHARACTER.
All they need is a big donation button on the various mod pages.That’s it. Simple as that. If they gave a shit, that’s where it would first start.
. . . oh and,
Mods you have to pay for? We don’t want to create DLC anymore, our fans will do it!
It’s all a bit too corny and try-hard for my tastes. The “damaged” tattoo. . . The fucking Comic Book inspired “HA-HA” tattoos and the big “joker” comic smile on his forearm. What in the fuck? I really hope this is just some over-done promotional shit and not the final idea.
Would be great if Rockstar made some weird shit with all their tools. A mode where you get to run around as a deer and other people have to get you would be fun. Hide n’ go Seek as Sasquatch ;3. some low gravity modes would be fun too.