
Justin is getting his... just desserts.

Do you think Alec Baldwin and his wife are yucky? They have a slightly greater age difference and no one really seems to mind...

It kind of looks like one of those hairless Chinese crested dogs, a subservient chihuahua and this chupacabra everyone keeps talking about...

I know this will get buried, but I'm drunk off wine, thus I feel compelled to comment on every website I stumble upon. Feminist has become a bad word much like liberal has through the likes of the right/tea party. Instead of being a positive label it has turned into this thing that the opposition has branded us. Like

OMG. I used to be thin as a rail all throughout my life. I was about 18/19 when I started drinking beer/hard liquor and ever since then I have developed a *beer* belly/and thickened a bit around the hip area. Probably because I don't drink enough water/drink too much/work in hospitality.

I have made many bad choices and said many a dumb thing in my short time here on Earth, but something like this "costume" would be at the bottom. I get why it would be a funny thing (Oh too soon!loolol) in someone's mind, such as a "bad taste" costume or whatever, but I can't understand why someone would actually do

It's surreal to think are people so fucking rich (like wipe your ass with hundreds kind of rich) that they can drop $1,200 on a dress... that is basically a t-shirt with tulle sewn onto it... for a child that will outgrow it within 6 months or less. I just.. wow.

I went on his website. I couldn't help it.

I think he's more of a Jean-Ralphio, personally.

I like to buy the flavored ones at costco in bulk. Mmm

The only shocking thing about that photo shoot is that it looks as if Miley got her foul tongue carpet cleaned.

Now playing

Great, now I'm watching all the Sir Digby sketches cuz they're my fave.

Bethenny, I can't. She's one of those people who will blurt out anything to get attention and her tone conveys that she thinks she's fucking hilarious. She reminds me of my high school english teacher that talked all snark-like.

That website and people like that are why I have come to hate graphic design and abandoning any real desire to do it in real life (plus I'm lazy). At first it was cool but now it's everywhere which I guess is cool, but it's becoming generic - kind of like those logos with the x. Fucking uninspired.

This does totally scream of a hipster version of a rom-com. The indie ending will either be they fall in love 4 realsies or that you can't force true love, or whatever.


These are the best. My fave is the toast one.

I vaguely recall watching similar videos in religion class. I don't know if it was Pam, or someone else using the analogy of "sticky tape" to the act of intercourse before marriage. Also the fact that her mother had been raped, and that she, being the result of the rape, was a gift from god, something something.

a hustle here, a hustle there