
In other words, another blog is focused on bringing important issues and news of the day in small snippets to the same demographic as Jezebel but is making more money and getting more attention. When does Liz Lemon realize that SHE was the bully?

Only since there is a thread: shoved that shit into his mouth before he even go to his truck.

Important heads up on the pot thing: just because it may be legal in the state doesn’t mean it’s legal on the federal level. If you know anyone going through the Naturalization process who likes to toke, make sure they stay away from that until they have their papers in hand! Then they can celebrate. 

It’s funny that some people are more disturbed by Arya having consensual sex than the time she killed a guy, baked his body parts into a pie and then fed it to the guy’s sons.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

Problem with Sansa is that she goes from smart to thick as the plot demands. Season 7 Sansa was dumb as hell at times.

I feel like last season missed an opportunity to SHOW Sansa outsmarting Littlefinger to justify Arya’s claim that her wisdom has grown. Because while Sansa has had a lot of formative experiences, I just don’t believe we’ve seen enough successful scheming on her part to give credence to her being anywhere in the same st

John Bradley was far and away the acting standout for this episode. Terrific work from him in the scene with Daenerys and Jorah.

Hell, I was surprised Sam cared so much about his shit family getting charred. 

Oh you're just a condescending stan, my bad, cupcake.

After I spent all my money, I didn’t have it anymore!

Clogged ducts is one of a handful of painful memories that will insure I never pro-create again! At one point I learned I could suck them out myself. Strangest life game changer. Strangest life talent! 

If I scream DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT! at such people, is it tantamount to terrorist threats?

I’m always enticed to watch these 73 questions videos because I want to see where these people live or work or whatever, but I never end up watching all the way through because it’s so obviously choreographed and memorized and it gets to me. Also, the interviewer’s voice irks me. This time I made it all the way

Their house is as empty, characterless and appealing as the people that live inside it .

Sent pamper diapers across the pond sounds and looks like #sponcon.

Yeah, Emilia Clarke’s dress is a misstep for me. And I desperately wish that Sophie and Maisie would’ve swapped dresses. 

My younger sister used to pull her hair back in a tight ponytail every day for years. We still talk about the resulting “fivehead” she had from it. JoJo needs a rebrand so she can give her hairline a break...the bows would command just as much attention with the hair down. I’m pretty sure they can be seen from space.

The only thing I can think of is:

I used to always respond to the phrase “I don’t believe in credit cards” with “I assure you they exist” until I realized what an insufferable buttfuck that made me.