
I know you weren’t asking me but using a payment plan in conjunction with the 529 may help it last for all four years instead of running out partway through. So for example if the total plan payment was 1200/ month and they can afford 500/month from their budget and then pull 700 per month from the 529 instead of a

Do you eat meat, drive a car , use a computer or cell phone, use toilet paper, buy crap with tons of excess packaging or participate in any other aspect of modern life that consumes resources ? If you do you are contributing to the problem even if you’re not out there with a chainsaw cutting down trees or hunting

My company offers it, we have about 500 employees but only two guys have been eligible for it the past 18 months and they both took it. They get 4 weeks one took all 4 and the other only did 2. I’m due in June and get 12 weeks my husband is getting nothing officially but his VP and direct boss have told him that he

The other article I read said she was “known” to both the store and local police and that they had dealt with her before. I’m guessing she in particular is not allowed to use the restroom at Timmy’s due to something she’s done in the past.

I didn’t take my husband’s last name, the baby I’m having in a few weeks will have his last name because it’s more important to him than it is to me. We had this discussion 10 years ago when we got married and that has always been our plan. If we hadn’t discussed it back then and come to a decision I’m not sure what

My husband gets crap because I didn’t change my name I can’t imagine what he would get if he changed his.

They are older but my parents have no debt and haven’t for a while. They paid the mortgage off on the house when I was in middle school. They have been in the same house for 40 years so that helps but they are prolific savers and don’t buy anything until they have the cash for it.

I saw a quick blurb about this yesterday and my first thought was “do they have a plan for fixing the problem with this money or are they asking for money with no plan” Now I see it’s no plan and the money is going to make the problem magically disappear.

NIMBY stands for “not in my back yard”. So people want the homeless problems fixed but they don’t want shelters or affordable housing in their neighborhoods.

Carousel of Progress is in MK. Ellen’s energy adventure used to be good for this in Epcot but it closed down last year.

These are IRS rules not insurance, I feel like they used to be more flexible with the FSA stuff but tightened up on it a few years ago.

I can’t bite the bullet on the tieks because of the cost. I wish I knew someone in real life who had them so I could get an honest review.
I really like hush puppy chaste ballet flats, I get them on zappos, and they seem really similar. I have them in black, brown and tan and wear them all the time. I think you can get

As much as people like to complain about Hershey’s chocolate, Hershey was probably one of the few 19th century industrialists who was not a terrible person. He donated most of his money and shares of the company to the Hershey Trust which runs the Hershey school, I’m pretty sure the trust is still the majority

I get you but I feel like I’ve already read some version of this article about 50 times. It’s something any British person brings up when you mention American chocolate.

I’m pretty sure the Kardashians and buzzfeed have some kind of arrangement/deal. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them post anything negative about anyone in the family. Not that I think the stuff in that post isn’t true but if there is problematic stuff to go along with it they are not going to post about it.

Umm I’m a dual citizen too my understanding is you have to be a resident for 3 months before you receive coverage and I don’t know that you keep if you become a resident else where.

At a previous job I used to have to type out university all the time after a while the correct spelling started to look wrong to me.

Bonuses are withheld at a higher rate not taxed at a higher rate. There are two ways to withhold for bonuses. The first is you get you bonus as a separate paycheck and it’s withheld at a flat 25%, every place I’ve worked has done it this way since it’s easy. The second is where it’s added to your paycheck and the

Their pay can get garnished and you can put liens on their property. Most likely the amount will be reduced. I think a lot of times it’s a moral victory not necessarily about the money. I do wonder if someone had an umbrella policy if it would cover something like this.

My understanding is that she was never actually trying to get pregnant with Lamar , she was still on BC because she knew about the drug use. I’m not sure because I’ve heard conflicting things. But if I wanted to parent on my own I would just go to a sperm bank rather than have to deal with an asshole for the next 18