Yeah, I fell like the split has way less going to legal fee than class action suit usually do.
Yeah, I fell like the split has way less going to legal fee than class action suit usually do.
I remember being explicitly told not to do this when I started my period back around 1991/92 because it was dangerous. Is it not well known you shouldn’t be doing it.
Target bathroom are gross anyway no one wants to use them unless the have to.
I love he is still going to argue hugging and kissing people who work for you is an ok thing to do. If I remember from the last article there was some other bizarre invasion of personal space he liked to do to her as well.
My BFF and I used to listen to the soundtrack all the time and would practice our terrible terrible dance routines for each song in my living room after school.
It’s a cybernetic body so no she is probably not concerned about that stuff.
I realized this about a week after we put the deposit down on the venue. In retrospect we should have just eaten the cost and canceled everything and eloped.
These are also people whose job it is to be fit as fitness models / personal trainer/ coach. Most of them are not doing a traditional 9-5 on top of the working out and eating right , doing those things are part of their 9-5. If my boss gave me 2 hours everyday for working out and food prep I’m sure I would be in…
I always have a smaller throw blanket on my side of the bed because my husband runs super hot so we can’t have more than one blanket.
Yeah I don’t get it either our top sheet is long enough to be tucked under our tall mattress and have extra to fold over the top of the blanket ,this is where my drool ends up making a top sheet necessary. If people are not tucking and folding and leaving all that extra fabric loose in the bed is can see how they may…
Blankets need a top sheet, you can’t wash them regularly so if there is no top sheet your blanket is just filled with your nasty night sweat.
We do because my husband has allergy and skin issues. It makes him feel better but I don’t know if it’s actually matters or it’s a mental thing for him. I said we but I mean him the only thing I do is help remake the bed he is in charge of stripping it and washing stuff so I don’t care that much. We do have more than…
This doesn’t work for me maybe because I have a king size duvet ? I have tried tons of tricks and none of them work for me it’s always a hassle. since it’s getting warmer our duvet is about to go into the closet and we’ll just use a top sheet and quilt.
I have never ever gotten my duvet cover on in 60 seconds and I have to spend time during the week adjusting the fucker because it doesn’t stay nicely inside the cover and bunches towards the bottom and or sides.
I also feel it’s a waste for the company advertising, I don’t have psoriasis so no matter how many times you tell me about your medicine I am not going to ask my doctor about it.
I did an oral report on this book which was just me in front of the class for 15 mins talking about how awesome it was.
I find Pilates movements to be a lot easier balance /coordination wise than yoga especially the beginner stuff.
I have more than once had ABC Family on in the background and was completely jarred when I started paying attention again when I heard some random 700 club craziness.
The recommended rate 10%-15% not 5%
Yeah , It’s not much or at least it wasn’t the last time I was there about 15 years ago. I believe the whole point of going to to just get a Magnetic Hill bumper sticker.