Except that sugar doesn’t give you cancer.
Except that sugar doesn’t give you cancer.
Well, since you mention it, Steve Jobs was actually kinda responsible for his own death. He called himself a “fruitarian” and all that fructose (i.e. fruit sugar) over the years is what gave him cancer; furthermore, even though his cancer was caught early, he refused proper treatment in favor of alternative medicine.…
Wasn’t Steve Jobs pretty wealthy? Didn’t he die of cancer? Seems to negate the old geezers argument.
Or, you know, get old.
You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.
I started following this story yesterday, while collapsed in an exhausted heap after hosting one three-hour party for 160 people, with my business partner (she and I both former media execs, in our forties), a highly experienced production team, fully onboard musicians and entertainers, and a well-established catering…
I’m a social psychologist. Confidence is literally NOT related at all to ability. A person’s confidence is in no way an indicator of how well they will perform on ANYTHING. It doesn’t mean confidence is a bad thing...but it is definitely not a trait in which you should invest any of your money.
Right? I organized, with a partner, a one-day event with no more than about 20 people, in a public park where we needed no infrastructure or anything (basically, the 20 of us would put on various creative “happenings” throughout the day), with a generous budget and months of planning, when I was 36, and I would still…
Someone up thread blamed the naïveté on this guy’s youth, but this quote here is why I’m going to suggest it’s more because he’s wealthy. Trump is old as fuck and equally as oblivious, the common denominator is having massive wealth that insulates you from consequences and thinking.
“I can’t think of *any* music festival I’d pay $5,000, let alone $12,000, to attend.”
“Poodles of disposable income” = my favorite autocorrect ever
Apparently you’re not alone. One of the articles I came across said Twiiter is filled with examples of schadenfreude.
I’m so proud that i got to introduce it to my husband last night. I was streaming tweets and photos to the Apple TV so we could both relish in what happened.
Happy days! I detest these intsagram celebs and look forward to their downfall.
I must admit, i’ve been reading these updates with spiteful relish.
UPDATE: Jared Kushner has just been named Unofficial Secretary of Bitchin’ Music Festivals and will be partnering with McFarland to make next year’s Fyre the hugest and most tremendous festival ever, much bigger than Coachella. It’ll put the Spling in your Magnises. From Wiki:
I cannot get enough of this Fyre Festival Failure. Its SO funny to me. Keep the updates coming!
“You had Emily Ratajkowski and Kendall Jenner promoting it,”
Sorry to be off topic but I can’t find this anywhere - what’s going on with the new layout of the gawker sites? All the articles on the left now (when we as humans are drawn to things on the right.) I totally hate it, and if it’s mentioned somewhere, or if I’m the odd-person-out, and only *I* am experiencing this,…
Don’t shit where you eat. Please. Your work spouse is about half as attractive as you think they are once the mystery/secrecy/danger is gone. Everyone is their better, more attractive self in a professional environment. The excruciating awkwardness of showing up for work the next morning and feeling like everyone…