Jeff didn’t out Zeke as transgender to a national audience, the producers of Survivor did that.
Jeff didn’t out Zeke as transgender to a national audience, the producers of Survivor did that.
Did you know that when the Russian kleptocrats took over after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the life expectancy of Russian males dropped by seven years? Hard to believe but true, check it out yourself. Russian infant mortality also shot upward.
The thing is, if *45 can’t issue ultimatums, he folds like a cheap suit every single time. Calling his bluff—which is all he’s got, because that’s all he is—when he doesn’t have leverage (which, here, he does not, as the Freedom Caucus has most definitely learned) is an automatic win. Think about it: how many wins has…
I’m borderline disabled and on Medicaid so I want you to understand when I say this that I take your situation seriously;
It’s time to tear the scab off. The worst thing has been the “will her/won’t he” game he’s been playing. If he’s going to do it, fucking do it and let the cards fall where they may.
You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.
Honestly? I think the Democrats should say fuck it and not give in. I feel bad for people who didn’t vote for Trump but this will mostly stick it to the people who did.
That’s another problem...
I read that 60 were launched; one failed almost instantly into the sea. Only 30-something of them actually hit the airbase.
Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.
Re: Sean Spicer: “. . . There’s been a 12 percent gain on the stock market.”: this is, of course, yak dung. The S&P 500 closed at 2263.69 on 2017-Jan-19. The highest it has ever been since then is 2395.96 on 2017-Mar-01. That was 5.8% higher— and the market has fallen since.
Eighty-one days ago, a begrimed burlap puppet choked by a red power tie flopped into the Oval Office. And now, as…
If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.
i’ve heard that dick size is actually more correlated to the size of extremities and facial features (like if you have big hands and feet, a big nose and ears, you are more likely to have a big dick) than to race. not sure how scientifically accurate that is, but personal anecdotal experience does seem to bear it out.
The liberal pockets are pretty racist too, as I have learned by joining NextDoor.
From Lake Arrowhead here, and can confirm that many of the year-long residents on the mountain are racist troglodytes. I hate how beautiful rural areas are often that way. Thankfully an influx of LA hipsters are buying up the cheap cabins and are helping to make the culture groovy again.
‘We were only told a behavior was bad once in a seminar,’ but Fox News said it was ‘just locker room talk’ over and over again.”
Do they use it as a teaching tool on how to sexually harass women?
Yeah, I can see how that would be confusing for employees. Sexually harassing employees doesn’t seem to have hurt either Ailes or O’Reilly, until very recently.
She could also take the nice fat check she got from Pepsi and, I don’t know, donate it, to BLM, Planned Parenthood, etc. You’ve got plenty of $$, Kendall, but you might be surprised how good it feels to practice a little altruism.