amp0730: now part of CJA's pelvis throne


For shame. An entire article about shipping and (unless I missed it, I am pretty drunk) no mention of the time shippers made something happen in a show they loved.

I will as soon as I can find it.

Kraglin screaming in joy that Yondu is getting a Ravager funeral wrecks me every time.

Danica Roem was pretty awesome this year.

Roy Moore


Jon Nolan sighs and gets back to work on Westworld.

I didn’t put that together when I saw it, and that whole scene left me a little confused. Sure, seeing all your friends die wouldn’t be awful, but shit, you signed up to seal Odin’s homicidal daughter in a prison, surely you knew the risks, why is that one other Valkyrie dying so important?

Garbage that gets launched into the sun doesn’t get burned as badly as Danica roasted Bob. Nice.

Don’t forget the A-10 /s

I always though the best way to do a Fraction based story would have Hawkguy on his own after Avengers 4, with his wife leaving him and taking the kids due to his PTSD. Use that as a springboard to bring Kate Bishop on as the new Hawkeye, Clint ends the movie with getting his head right and reconnecting with his

Yep. One year from now:

A month or two ago I was on a business trip with a woman who used to work for Harley. She got out because “That company is so fucked.” Why?

One of my favorites was people bitching about how the trailers for Rush spoiled the movie...

For what it’s worth, both parties (Indycar and WGI) issued statements that mention they’re open to the idea of working together again, but at the moment neither has a date that works well for the other. Hopefully they can work something out.

I hope they have to leave Martin the the distant future where he uses his intellect and charm to pose as an admiral for the “Planetary Union”. He finds out he’s good at it, and an unfortunate incident gets him stuck there.

I never had a problem with the Prius as a car. It was an important first step towards the all electric future we’re working towards.

No fucking shit! A bottleneck you say?!

...hang on now. Has anyone seen BT and R2 in the same room together?