
My immediate thought was to set up a NAS and just have multiple user/guest accounts that you can use for clients. Synology’s web-based interface is fairly robust, if a little slow at times. I’ve been using a four-bay model with 6 TB drives set up in RAID 10 for the past year and a half and have no complaints.

So it’s worth the $16? Saw some complaints elsewhere over the price to length ratio, but all the reviews I’ve seen have been glowing. How’s replayability? Similar to Journey?

That’s a bummer. Hopefully MMO-Champion doesn’t tank in quality. It’s run as more of a forum than a traditional blog or news site, so don’t see how Fandom could screw it up. I’m more concerned with Fandom now owning Curse’s mod distribution platform for WoW. Curious if mod creators are going to flock to Nexus or some

No love for Tetris Effect in VR?  I don’t have a PSVR, but that game has been the only one to tempt me so far.

Unless you’re baking, add way more of whatever spices or seasonings that a recipe calls for, because it doesn’t matter. An 1/8th of a teaspoon of almost any spice or herb that I can think of in an entire pot of soup or stew for example (looking at you ATK) isn’t going to do anything.

For me, it’s too little too late. I’m already out on this expansion as a whole. I only log in two nights a week for my guild’s raids. We cleared Uldir on heroic about a month ago, so we all got the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement.  If it weren’t for our raid effort and the fact that my account auto-renewed for

Pretty disappointing imo. Junkrat gets another legendary, even though he got one last year, while heroes like Orisa are sitting with two legendary skins total. Mercy gets a ton of skins, but at least she didn’t already have a WW skin.

I think the real questions we’re all waiting to be answered is: “will there be sex games, will they be plentiful, and will they be uncensored?” /s

I mean, you can do some pretty reprehensible things in games these days, so who knows. 

So that trailer wasn’t very clear. Are the two women on the cover the antagonists or the protagonists? I’d assume they are the protagonists, but that voice over narration was pretty antagonist sounding.

Thanks kindly.

Is this digital only?  I’m getting mixed messaging from Polygon, Amazon, and GameStop. 

As a St. Louis native, stollen apparently means something different within the city as compared to everywhere else. Something similar to this is what I always grew up with, available at many of the local bakeries. I never knew stollen was anything else until I tried to Google recipes well into adulthood.

 I see what you did there.

Are there more characters than the pig man, duck man, and mutant woman that were featured in the cinematic trailer?

I dug out my old GBA and apparently I have a 40-pin connector system.  However, I have zero experience with soldering or circuitry.  It’s too bad there isn’t an option to pay for the conversion kit, provide the system, and pay a fee to have it professionally installed.  I’d be afraid of ruining the system, the kit, or

Bought one as well. Tried it out with Persona 3 FES. Overall looks good, though I think it makes the picture a bit darker.

Nailed It! is to baking what The Big Bang Theory is to scientists/non-Hollywood nerds.  I can sort of understand why some people like these shows, but they just do not appeal of me.

I was late to Into the Breach; only picked it up a week or so ago on Switch. I’d be hard pressed to think of another game I’d consider my personal game of the year. It is fantastic and it’s criminal that its subreddit is so relatively dead.