
@Ironfungus: You were trying to get a fight started over liking/hating the kinnect. I don't like it, but you didn't have to add the natal into a Glee hating party.

@The Question: It is more effective if you don't add the "YEEEEEEAAAAA-" part, and let a commenter do it if it is deemed worthy.

@Ironfungus: I was with you up to the part where you started trolling.

@AMoliski: There we go, at 3:20ish, he says if it is approved, it will make jailbreaking completely legal.

@SaggyBalls: Yeah, they never made it clear in the article.

@Eggyhead85: I still have my first gen iPod Touch. Even though I watch every Apple event, and get excited, I really couldn't picture myself owning any other apple product, except for something like the next iPod touch (if it has a camera) when this one bites the dust...

@daniel7860: Same here, dude. Sad thing is there really isn't THAT much difference between the difference iPod touch flavors.

@TRT-X: I think the image of him with the bow is on a giant banner.

@izzy_k: She's got experiments to run there is research to be done

@Wahrheit: I don't see why the kinnect should make the games any lower graphic quality. Except for it taking some extra processing power, however, I have a feeling the majority of the motion tracking logic is done directly on the kinnect.

@MMonte: Thanks. It would be nice if the article included this information. Especially the last line.

@Lupison: I think the ink was for the other section with all of the fancy colors.

@Wahrheit: I REALLY REALLY hope this is just an early tech demo... and that they are going to improve it. This is the kind of game I have always dreamed about, and I will be heartbroken if they mess it up.

@Anarkiwi: Hahahaha, I have no idea why I said kindle. Maybe it was because I was up all night, and my brain just said... what are they calling it? K.... Kindle?

@LiKuidFox: For the older drives, yes. I read somewhere that the new xbox has software that help manages the move built in, and that if uses the cable in reverse.

@busboy33: I would say this needs to be in the game. But I don't want it to happen.

@Herabek: And, as they burned, it hurt, because she was so happy for you.