Amoeba I'm Amazed

You could have a good time with the show for about four seasons and then bail without missing much or feeling burned for hanging on. It's the Showtime tradition.

His inspiration was getting a drink spilled on him at a party. "That was cool, but what if it was boiling?" SHARK TANK

2016. So much loss.

Maybe she has worms.

He means tooth.

You have to include all the food stuffs from the Frito-Lay and Nabisco expanded universe to meet your dietary requirements.

Classic Steve.

I guess that Star Wars guy is alright after all.

They don't call him Kevin "Matryoshka Doll" James for nothing.

Everything here is something!

The future of leotards are bright… and tight!

This post is best appreciated when read in a Werner Herzog voice.

They blew it. Sacha Baron Cohen would've been great.

So much for my Westworld fan theory.

Sylvester Stallone cameo as Grampo.

Mostly rest-in protests.

"You know all those horseshit movies? Well, the load I'm dropping will stink in a brand new way. It's horseshit on steroids, acid, crack and soon to be banned substances you haven't even heard of, much less condemned!"
- Everyone who makes those movies

Ahh, "tribute". The old Cleveland Indians defense.

It appeared obvious at first glance, but after careful consideration Nasir Khan may be innocent.

Electric Poogalool