Amoeba I'm Amazed

Alright, Bobby it is.

I remember the one where Luther was going to sue Coach because he burnt his tongue on a hot dog. That's all I got.

I think they need to rethink their whole strategy for convicting this guy, they need solid evidence. They need to come at this guy and aim for his Achilles heel, the one thing he can't resist; chicken salad sandwiches.
You coax Durst with dreams of enough chicken salad sandwiches for the rest of his life, the kind

It is a movie about two horny virgins creating a mail order bride with computers & magic. Not exactly the epitome of good taste from the outset.

I want this show.

John Stewart can play his brother.

I like King of the Nerds, but this season felt way too much like Big Brother. I think now that all the future contestants are aware of the importance of social strategy, the entire tone of the show will change. Hopefully the producers modify the format a bit to accommodate the new direction the show is taking.

He was a shitty Anakin Skywalker, but that was the least of The Phantom Menace's problems.

I just dosed before my favourite song, trip for fifteen then ride out the rest of the flick with the mellow after-buzz. I'm not sure if you can prolong the trip with repeated administration. You'd have to be a special breed of masochist to want to do it much more than once in the span of a movie. She's a prickly one!

Sgt. Peppers on Salvia is an interesting time. It's not for everyone, but there's something about devolving into a two dimensional block of confused simian instincts while cradled by the sounds of Nowhere Man that makes you appreciate Jeremy Hillary Boob like no other.

The ISAM concert film is pretty fun to watch on psychedelics.

Some movies feel like they're created specifically to be experienced while under the influence of psychedelics. The most recent ones I've tripped out with that fall into this special category are The Tree of Life and Cloud Atlas. These films elevated the psychedelic experience just as much as the drugs did the films.

I hope they get Edgar Wright to direct one of these things. The World's End had a lot of what made Ghostbusters great.

I watched "Stand and Deliver" in Grade 10 math class, so I can attest to the fact that at least one math teacher really likes this movie.


I agree with Girard that some of the original visual charm is lost in the Wii U version, but sailing the open seas and exploring dungeons with a map you can hold in your hands was such a satisfying feeling that it makes up for it. Having access to a second screen for something as simple as a map/compass seems trivial

I hope someone uploads the audio recording to youtube mixed with "Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death" and a slideshow montage of illuminati imagery and random photos of crabs.

You have to factor in all the calories burned by telling everyone that you prefer reading over watching television.

Smooth save. Now everyone thinks Kanye is a really nice guy again.