
My first thoughts, too:  let’s downplay the value of the rebound, and give more guys a chance to let fly from downtown!  showtime baby!  

Soccer dives are pathetic. Soccer ‘fights’ more so. But an actual tackle in soccer hurts a lot in a weird sort of way, cause you’re running away at top speed (insert joke here!) so you’re just ass over tit with appendages going every which way.

My big fear is that the District gives up an arm and a leg for the team just as the NFL goes back to being a weird regional obsession.

All the way from Baltimore? 

I agree the name probably hasn’t changed the mind of many old-school fans of old DC...

I know plenty of Michigan natives who weren’t sold on Cousins either. My old roomie from East Lansing called the day of the draft — when Cousins was a puzzling afterthought — and said, “I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but he’ll be just good enough to break your heart.”

And the point of MeToo isn’t so Kim Catrell can menace hunky busboys, it’s to enforce the rules for everybody.

I know lots of “big tennis fans” who go to the Open. Most of them couldn’t name more than a dozen players, and most don’t watch a minute of tennis outside the Slam finals and their one day in Flushing. You can see how these people think: “McEnroe was a dick and he never got penalized, so this must be sexism and/or

Are you throwing that number out there as in “this is something that people really believe” or in the sense of “20 bajillion dollars”?

That’s the real issue, right? Spanish league needs to court neutral fans around the world — North America & Asia — and it has to do it quickly because the Premiership is way ahead of them.  Messi & Ronaldo paper over a lot of cracks, but what comes after?  Playing real matches here would be a good start (Real matches,

For me the story isn’t how many associations have OKed, it, the issue is where is the money going in the US and who got the “bag-o-money”. The real danger is that it would actually work — and that we get a half dozen La Liga, Bundesliga and Prem matches in the USA drawing lots of fans, money and attention away from MLS

So, file this under “even paranoid people have enemies”?

The whole idea that she’s standing up for women’s rights in tennis is about as genuine as OJ’s search for the real killer!  

Even more so, you have to stand on it more often than when you’re getting your ass well and truly kicked.  Because in that case, it just looks like you’re desperately trying to divert everyone’s attention... 

Worth pointing out how seldom these women fall to the ground while being pressured. The third goal is noteworthy for a #9 actually giving and taking a shoulder and preferring to have a shot to taking a dive.

I’m not sure he’s the greatest American striker in Fulham history.

I’ll also point out that Adam Silver was being interviewed courtside at the US Open at about the same time the Mystics were clinching game 5 on the road. I’ll be the first to admit to being a very casual WNBA fan, so maybe this is all kind of hypocritical, but i think it’s a terrible look for the commissioner of the

Now playing

Great call on this song! Other early 80s songs that were too “pop” for a wannabe-punk-12-year-old that I now realise were killer tunes:

Obviously rugby players get concussions. As do players in all sports. Do rugby players get as many as american footballers? And what about CTE’s relationship to subconcussive hits (eg., all those headers I took in soccer)?

Not only that, Young Boys play in the Wankdorf stadium.  (Even funnier with the plummy english accent!)