
I mean, equating LGBTQ people with child abusers seems like a pretty direct attack on LGBTQ rights....

Take your own logic one step further - if they associate mentions of non-traditional families with child abusers and then legislate based on that definition, how is that not attacking the rights of people who live those non-traditional families? When you say “schools can’t teach about gay relationships but straight

Yes.  It is.

Yes. It is. 

Yes. It is.

It is entirely accurate to state that. The entire justification for things like the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in Florida, and the “trans children indicate parental abuse” bullshit in Texas is this inflated fear over “groomers”.

I gotta be honest, I’m less surprised by this news than the knowledge that there are people who still care about Super Circuit. Like, it’s down there with Super Mario Kart as one of the worst in the series (and it doesn’t even get the extra credit of being the first game). It was fine when all you had was a GBA and

This is a good article. You really don’t owe ANY solicitor a reason for not buying, but I guess some people want to give Girl Scouts an excuse because they feel bad for them otherwise? But certainly don’t unload your body-image baggage on impressionable young women.

I tell them that all the cookies are lousy and that teaching little girls to shill on street corners and in front of stores is a bad thing.

Games don’t actually have to be combat focused, especially ones in a world that doesn’t exactly brim with combat as is. Instead classes and Quidditch, two core parts of the experience, are hugely simplified or outright missing. The focus is all wrong for this game.

Pretty much every positive review of this game I’ve seen seems to have come from hardcore Harry Potter fans. They all basically boil down to “this game is boring and barely works, but it has references to the books so five stars.”

Lol, yeah. Putting aside the real reason no one should play this game, it seems like half of the 9/10 and higher reviews are like “story meh, combat meh, everything outside of Hogwarts meh, Hogwarts was great so 9/10.” That does NOT sound like a 9/10 game for anyone who doesn’t love Harry Potter.

I still wonder if a non-potter fan, but fan of wizards, like myself would even enjoy the game. The only reviews from peers has been from those that are major harry potter fans, so their review is way too biased. I just want to cast spells and be a wizard. Was hoping Elden Ring would have allowed that, but their

Everything I’ve read about the game makes me think it was made primarily for cringey fan-fic writers. Teen OC with unique special powers? Check. Freedom to so whatever you please no matter how edgy? Double-check. If it wasn’t set a century in the past there’d probably be a way to fuck Draco.

As toxic as it is for resellers to run the market and the ick that is adults spending literal hundreds on paper portraits of depictions of children.

Absolutely not an exaggeration.

EtHiCs iN gAmE jOuRnAliSm durr durr

And yes, there is a clearly trans supporting character.

I still find it perplexing that it is apparently Rowling’s tweets that ruined the franchise ... rather than the mediocrity of the writing. Chamber of Secrets (book AND movie) is generally used as an object lesson in what not to do when plotting a story. The deus ex machina/phoenix saves the day ending is basically