
toying with the idea of turning DC into its own solidified content vertical.

This commenting structure is so dated and is such bullshit. “You have to be agreed with and followed or your comment isn’t relevant.” I’ll continue to comment in the gray’s, but kinja commenting is completely fucked.

You’re a special kind of mental. What is it you think you’re doing here? Trying to convert “leftists”? You’ll probably insult me and maybe go on another rant, but here’s a tip: Nobody gives a fuck. Give it up, comrade.

If you look up mysterious cover ups, you’ll find out that Biden’s sons actually were manipulating remote controlled airliners into the twin towers and elsewhere.

Clearly reading comprehension is not your forte, because none of what you gleaned from my comment, is actually what I posted. But judging by the fact that your post wasn’t witty satire, it really isn’t a surprise that you’re ignorant of history, economics, politics, etc.

Pardon me, but you seem like an absolute fool.

There was never any problems in Afghanistan under Trump’s presidency.

Psst.... Syria, Egypt and Libya were ruled by tyrants long before Obama was president.

Comrade Draft Dodger attacked his own country when he didn’t like how election went. The insurrection was quickly put down but it did happen.

Yeah let’s go back to this master of international relations:

To much Propaganda posted Sergei.  You must get rubles per word

Are we talking about the same Trump here? The one who heard Putin was invading Ukraine and thought it was “pretty smart” and “genius”?

Something tells me your IP address points to somewhere in Eastern Europe where the preference for both vodka and bootlicking is abnormally high.

Man, your child-like understanding of foreign affairs is impressive

Except no Americans were left behind. Aside from one terrorist bombing, it was a successful evacuation when all was said and done.

Trump also released 5000 Talibans in that same negotiation. Trump basically gave up the fight and negotiated with the Talibans to give us safe passage out of there.

No lie is as powerful than the one we tell ourselves.

Lol, poor bitch. I can assure you I’m nothing of the sort, but the fact that you immediately assumed I am economically disadvantaged says a LOT about your worldview. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised a corporate bootlicker is also a social elitist.

piracy is preservation, ya dingus. i don’t pirate current-gen games, but i will download older games. it hurts nobody (except maybe some dude trying to sell final fantasy tactics advance for 200 bucks on ebay) and otherwise i wouldn’t be able to play it. no other art form is like this.

Congrats, for literally the dumbest take. You should look into the BBC fires and the practice of taping over old tv film that caused countless tv shows to be lost forever.