
This just isn't true. The greatest killer in america is Heart Disease. Which is typically caused by, you guessed it, OBESITY. I would say that the number of people who smoke and live long lives is >= the number of people who are obese and live long lives.

Specifically, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Why does the child's exposure to world views have to come from teachers? Why wouldn't a home-school curriculum expose the child to just as many worldviews as a public school curriculum? Teachers should not be teaching their world views or opinions, especially not at the K-12 level. (Now when I say teaching, I don't

Brought to you by your good friends, at Umbrella Corporation.

If you ask me to choose between my children being taught someone else's narrow mindset and being taught my mindset. You bet your ass I would choose me every time.

My thoughts exactly! If you really care about saving the earth or recycling, make those products at LEAST competitively priced, if not cheaper than their non-eco equivalent. I walked into one of those eco shops the other day, and they were selling crap made out of garbage for DESIGNER prices. Why would I buy a

"Oh look, its Alan Billis!"

I doubt that planet-wide devastation and extinction would be good || better for the planet. -_-

Well, if the article is to be believed, he never claimed he was a cop. He simply yelled "Palm Bay police. Get on the ground!". She made the assumption.

437,500 lbs or 218.75 tons

Link fail.

Pointless video is pointless.

I agree 100%. By allowing those words to hurt us, we are giving power to those who would wield them.

Do my eyes deceive me or is that a PROP UAV?!?

They've taken out our communications, it's only a matter a time before the internet goes too. If you are reading this, THERE ARE SURVIVORS. I will be at the Motel 6 on S Main Street until dawn. Then im heading south.

Im sure it would be proudly displayed on a cell wall.

It doesn't seem like the best idea to join the mile high club on 9/11.

Yay OL!

What makes that a "parkour flip" and not a normal flip?

"Since December, wildfires have consumed 3.6 million acres of Texas - an area the size of the state of Connecticut." -