Amine Hsu Nekuchan

So like a boringer, more lame, more "realistic" version of Skyrim? Yeah..... no. While I can appreciate the concept I can't help but get the sense that this is yet turn down the another "realism = better" road by which games have to perfectly emulate reality right down to it's lack of ninjas, cyborgs, dragons, magic,

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Its not implausible at all.. Games like Kid Icarus have you using the bottom screen to aim at enemies, while the top screen is for the game itself. Also, no you have to puase the game completely in Darksiders 2 on other platforms, and the inventory options was horrible. The things is, is that graphics do not make a

It is intuitive.. I do not have to stop moving my character in order to swtich items.. I didn't have to do that on Darksiders 2 on the Wii-U. I just switched my weapons as the boss appeared, and did not have to pause the game, and then go through the horrible inventory option that the other consoles version had. I can

Debunked already, get your shit together.

To compare:

My friends keep trying to get me to give this new FF a shot but sadly the subscription fee will always be a turn off for me. I do not like the pidgin holed feeling anymore that a paid MMORPG gives you of needing to play it all the time because you pay for it. That and the price these days compared to what you can

That's because Wildstar, from what I've seen so far, is doing something interesting.

Publicity is a by-product of what we do, not our jobs. "the notice or attention given to someone or something by the media." It is not requirement that we give something publicity.

I've been writing about the damn game for ages now. Also, it's not our job to PUBLICIZE. Square Enix has people that should be doing that. If folks still think this is the same game as FFXIV, that's Square's problem.

Oh snap. Best achievement ever made. I want to buy this game now just because of this.

I don't even date a woman who doesn't have a positive kill to death ratio. Not worth it.

I shall now reveal the greatest secret passed down throughout the annals of internet history. This secret dates back as far as Morpheus, nay, Kazaa.

I would like to request putting them back up there. One person complains and suddenly you pull the images? So we're allowed to make jokes about anything we want... But make one about those two groups and nope, off limits, don't want to hurt feelings. Seriously, what?

Didn't they confirm that the family sharing plan only let members play for a limited time before prompting them to buy?

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And the real Steam console is either a pc or the steambox whenever it comes out.

I invented a new game - I call it "Kotakuism". Just choose a random article of Kotaku, dive to the comments and see how many random rants against machismo or cisgenderism in videogames you find. 10 points for every one you find, 20 extra if it's the most rated comment on the page, 50 extra if it's the first. Add 5 if

Haha ohmygod, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that for you, then. It was directed at "heartbroken MS employee", because that was a hilarious read when I realized that whoever that person was, they actually thought that what they were talking about sounded appealing or in any way cool.

Wow, thanks for that.

The Pastebin was verified by an insider on NeoGAF. There was no real game sharing plan. It was a one hour trial plan using the concept of families as a social hook to get your family members to buy the same games you have.

I am just posting what a Microsoft Employee posted on PasteBin supposedly!