Amine Hsu Nekuchan

I have never been a huge fan of the XBox (and especially not the XBone) but this sounds surprisingly much less bad than I had expected. The voice controls actually sound pretty cool, the multitasking stuff sounds interesting if poorly realized, the cable box/HDMI-in stuff sounds like a neat trick but unlikely to be

I still can not beleive that this isn't being released in the West, it truly could be a killer-ap, bringing console gaming to many unable to afford a 300-400 dollar system.

Girlfriend can't watch Princess Bride? Yeah, dump that fast...

...Is that a cross it's carrying? Jesus Pokemon?

Can we PLEASE stop treating Anonymous like a real organized group?

Part of it is I am assuming, as it seems to suggest, it's not a constant action combo fighter like GoW or DMC and that puzzles and exploration play a big role. Secondly, I'm speaking from my personal experience here, having a persistent map was a gigantic boon for exploring and finding secret rooms and just

Having a persistent map not covering up the action is a huge boon. Being able too switch weapons with the touch of a button you can easily identify, instead of the touch of some UNmarked area on the back of the vita seems like it could be very convenient as well, but a much less advantage to the map.

If you start from "Will this still make money if it is horrible?" you've already failed.

The real issue though is developers are going to see Amazon/Ebay/Craigslist/etc. flooded with people selling their Kinect 2.0s, likely starting at around 100 dollars and ending slightly above or below the scrap value of the thing (( I'm guessing 10-20, but the cameras are rather powerful so maybe slightly more )).

How long has it been since a game in that series has come out?

Yeah, It caught me pretty off guard...


What the hell? I was just marveling at how ridiculously GENIUS this was...

This right here.

Perhaps not surprising but still disappointing.

Oh! Nevermind then! This is pure awesome!

Sad, I was hoping the first would be on Steam as well. I think the lack might hurt the series chances of really taking off there.

No? The begin of a console's life tends to bring drivel barely better than paying for a tech demo while the end of a console's life tends to bring out the actually good games.

I'm already sick of of this console gen and kinda wish it would evaporate and give us 3-4 more years with the current gen.

This sounds like an ideal situation to me. Forces then devs to sell their games based on gameplay and not flashy graphics.