You can’t tell me that is not a minivan that they left the sliding doors off of.
You can’t tell me that is not a minivan that they left the sliding doors off of.
That these sorts of people exist is so profoundly depressing and terrifying. What are these inbred, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, assholes in their bro-dozer pick-ups going to do when Biden wins? They don’t seem to have much of a limit - terror tactics on the street. Plotting to kidnap and kill Governors?…
Nissan releases Z
The Tesla fanboys be like... Ummph only 331 MPH. Hold my White Claw. LOL
Pretty simple really, they had the speedo set to KPH.
I read to the end and still have the same thought I did when I read the intro, “who thinks a promotional video released to Top-Gear is going to be completely accurate?”
it’s all water under the fridge
I think I saw the team at Pep Boys for the 4-for-$99 special.
Clearly, it’s doing all it can to catch up.
An Engineer (me): Yeah, yeah 335/316mph, uh huh, uh huh, ok...what about the tires, did they use specially engineered compounds...I’m assuming they just didn’t use an off the shelf street tire and crossed fingers...maybe talked to Bugatti’s supplier, etc...I NEED to know. It tends to be the least appreciated aspect…
200k mi with what appears to be a carbureted OHV(even if it is TBI, not much better). Go ahead, someone buy that and find out exactly why it is up for sale. Have fun fighting that 80's vacuum system too! ND all day long, especially for $6k.
“But dealers provide so much value by helping the customer navigate the scary and confusing car buying process”
A guy on The War Zone pointed out that in the sequence starting at 0:52 in this video, you can see a explosion-free splash during the attack on Lutzow, which is probably actually this bomb.
Meh. None of them strapped a pink or blue dye pack to the bomb to turn it into a giant gender reveal party.
Great, now Poland is outperforming us in redneck fishing which we invented, we use sticks of dynamite so they go and use a 12,000 pound bomb. Oh how we have fallen :(
For about 10 seconds I got real excited that Kristen was back!!
This is almost no money for an incredibly rare, honest and interesting car. Would be a ton of fun for cars and coffee and a few bucks to fix the bumper and you’re taking a Radwood trophy home, no question. Seeing the Clio and who knows what else in the last photo shows this is a collector and someone with genuine…
Reading this a day late because I spent all yesterday on the highway...
Love how this site has lost so many staffers that a huge chunk of the “staffers” contributing to this roast aren’t even current members of staff.
Now that Andrew is leaving I’m 1 Torchinsky and 1 Tracy away from never visiting this site again