I'm not sure why saying "toro caca" instead of "bullshit" amuses me as much as it does, and yet I'm still laughing.
It's not that the situation couldn't happen it's how it's written about. No guy that is a macho dick enough to suggest such a thing in the first place then goes on to turn into a such a sniveling bitch about the situation. The one thing in particular is him writing the detailed account of the other guy and that…
I'm asking seriously out of interest....can women seriously not tell this is a fake story written by a woman? If not I'd be happy to explain why I know it's not written by a guy
1. You're too young to get engaged. Knock it off.
I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.
Why? No one has fucked Tebow 1.0 yet.
Yeah this could not be more timely for my current job. I'm currently in a performance improvement plan which is 90% about my affect and personality rather than my actual work output, which every says is stellar. But sometimes I frown when I'm stressed out, don't demonstrate a positive outlook towards work, and I ask…
You know what would be absolutely terrifying to a cat? Taking them to a stadium full of people to throw a ball.
I mean, really, this cat saves a kid's life (or at least his leg) and in return she gets a lifetime of traumatizing gigs.
If you're going to kill yourself, don't do it with car exhaust. You'll pass out fairly quickly, but it takes A LONG TIME TO DIE. And while you're laying there, passed out, your suffering brain damage. Someone will come along and revive you before you die. And then you live the rest of your life as a vegetable. …
I moved to the midwest from the far superior sandwich world of the east coast (yeah, that's right, I'm a goddamn sandwich elitist!) and you literally have to tell any/everyone making you a sandwich "no mayo, please" and then you get looks like you're the one who's clinically insane for not wanting that…
Why? What if it's true?
It also could be another reason to cut him.
This is all about sucking, so I'll begin with me, in a parking lot...
Yeah, it's too bad Nigeria isn't more Atheist like China so all the female infants could be aborted/murdered. That's a hell of a lot better than waiting until they're in high school.
Peeing inappropriately is very often a territorial thing. To your knowledge, are there "intruders" (other cats/dogs wandering into your yard) coming around where Leo can see them? If so, he's probably feeling threatened and marking his territory. Try to keep the intruders away with motion activated sprinklers.
that cat was as stoic as beyonce in an elevator
Your math sucks.