
LOL to all these peeps who are like "WHAT A BAD FRIEND. CAN'T YOU EVER JUST BE HAPPY LITTLE MISS RED VEST?" Clearly you have never been to one of these events. Imagine getting together for your annual holiday wine fest with your best gal pals to talk about work progress/grad school/the finale of Breaking Bad, and all

FOUR of my friends have got engaged in the past 2 weeks. THREE of them ON Thanksgiving. Does her gun have another bullet? Pass it around, sister!

True story, I bought a townhouse a year before I got married and a new car about 6-8 months prior. (I am not rich, this is just how my major life purchases went down.) My now sister-in-law said to me: "Wow, you got a car, a house and a husband this year."

Who knows, maybe they were being annoying about. Or the whole hoopla was annoying to her.

I'm with the girl on the left! These sorts of ring-showing-off photos seem to reinforce the idea that marriage is a "prize" to be won, an accomplishment to check off your list. Makes me feel all dirty and ooky and super duper cynical about the whole marriage thing in general. And I got married over the summer! But I'm

I am a single black divorcee. So whateves

I like "Divorce Season" better anyway. That magical time at around age 35 when married friends start splitting up and becoming fun and crazy again.

So fine, let's talk weed and what it actually costs a person. The answer, obviously, is somewhere from $60 to a lot per ounce, depending on what you like to smoke and where you live.

74% of people prefer Pam Anderson's plastic looking Real-Wives-of-Reality-TV hair extensions to that glorious pixie?? 74% of people are idiots. Idiots!

I think you're really on to something here when you point to the wide-ranging curriculum. Catholic schools usually are part of ancient Catholic intellectual traditions (the Jesuits, the Franciscans, various orders of nuns), and the whole Galileo thing notwithstanding, these traditions believe in open inquiry and

YES, totally hopping on the "not all Catholic schools are the worst!" bandwagon. I, too, was a Catholic school K-12er. Bay Area / Oakland Catholic schools, which probably explains a lot of what I experienced...

I don't have a problem with princesses as entertainment, but I think it's gone a bit far. I frequently see people telling their little girls that they are "princesses" and basically acting as if "princess" is an acceptable career goal. It is not. You will not grow up to be a princess, and girls need to be encouraged

Same; I was in a Catholic school from pre-K all the way through college and was never ignorant about contraception or sex-ed. People love to shit on Catholic institutions but I wouldn't trade my Jesuit educational experience for anything.

Well, I went to Catholic school from K-12 plus college—and not one in a very liberal area—and we learned about every reproductive option under the sun. From nuns. I mean, the nuns probably didn't have much experience actually using any of the options or confronting any of the choices, but I sure learned a lot. With


Sound like sexual assault, plain and simple.

Because, of course, only "guest authors of colour" will need excellent editing? I don't know why you felt the need to bring in the "person of colour" issue into your argument. Or why you think if there is "problem," you wouldn't just argue they need to find better writers of color. Believe me, there are black writers

What about bacon? I know it's not rice but it's DELICIOUS!

Okay, question: why is "thug" considered racially specific? My ex, who is white qualifies as an absolute first rate thug.

I've heard of a case where protesters were stopped because of friends of the clinic. The number of protesters (you could expand this to calls, etc) were counted and people donated a small amount based on these numbers. The more protesters, the more money was raised. The money was used to help women in need to pay for