
(Imitates Southern accent) If there be someone misrepresentin’ these here racin’ cars that...

As a Black man who was raised by a single mother, I understand where he’s coming from. My mom did the best she could with what she had, but she couldn’t be a father to me too.

You... monster.

You know, there is only so many intersections a person can navigate at once.

Are you sure that coin is not Britain circling the drain over this Brexit fiasco?

Why doesn’t the US have a dollar coin in wide use? Because Americans are resistant to . . . change.

Counterpoint: Twitter is a shithole and everyone should stay off it, especially politicians because politics requires nuance, which takes more than 280 characters.

I'm confused. Which one is Jesse and which ones are Trump children?

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

35 Years a Slave, coming to a theater near you, February 47th.

You have thirty seconds to comply.

The new Ferrari isn’t a 458, it’s just a Tributo.

My friend Liz says you have to fight too much with King Crab to get to the meat,

We have video

“2012 is the time we are going to send Mr. Obama home to Kenya or wherever it is,”

She was quick, poised and an example to all.

Not a penny.