
For those with money and a good lawyer, rules are always flexible.

He's the same as Trump, using the ugly forces of racism and homophobia to enrich himself. Except jussie is a C-list soap opera actor (genuinely lol'ed when you suggested he was A-list) and very, very dumb, so he got caught. 

Who does he think he’s fooling anymore?

Lol complaining about gas station privilege is definitely a new one in my book

It’s that kind of grit and old fashioned hockey that got Justin Williams and the Kings two Cups! Those were the days.....
*looks forlornly at my LA Kings Williams jersey and weeps silently for what has become of us*

So, something that's helped me to start saving money for an emergency fund was building a literal treasure chest for myself. It's silly, I know, but it put a certain level of impetus on saving money, because I built a thing for the specific purpose of holding emergency cash. If I don't fill it, it's just an empty box

He’s a soap opera actor.... Actors in general are not the smartest of minds... They’re great liars, but as for hatching bulletproof plans? Only on TV...

He's a soap opera actor... What'd anyone expect? 

just look at his eyes... he did all that shit and more we don’t know. plain as day

Just a humble paralegal assistant here, but this is basically what me and my attorneys were saying when it was dropping... Like... Wow, if that’s how it went, it’ll be a damn short case because if it happened how he said it happened they’d be all wrapped up with a bow in top.... But things are rarely that clean.

100% agree, very well put! At most, I’d consider selling older projects if I’ve improved on them for my own use. It’s meditative for me, and it’s hard to calm down and center myself if there’s a little voice yammering about whether a client will like a piece

Good luck! I’m really lucky, I landed at a great firm after quitting a toxic workplace, got a 25% raise in my offer, and an 8% raise after my first year... Wood budget increased significantly... 

That's a fair point! If I get to that overcrowded point maybe I'll do that

For sure that's something I struggle with. The few times I've made things for some family, I feel very conflicted about charging anything mor  than the materials cost. I made a pair of benches for my brother and his wife, I think I charged him for materials plus dinner and a drink. 

Friends and family constantly tell me I need to start an etsy store and start selling my woodworking online. The whole point of it as a hobby for myself is that at work (lawfirm) everything I do is intangible and done through a screen, so on my weekends I make things for myself that I guess I could buy, but after a

I could give a flying fuck what's between my boss's legs, if they throw a binder at my head I'm throwing a lawsuit right back at them. 

If you think an Italian businessman will listen to a single thing a black man has to say then I've got a sweater to sell you... 

Even the nicest prisons don't let inmates tweet so yes it would. 

A life sentence or death are the only things I want for him.... Those are the only two ways we’re going to get him to stop tweeting...

Disappointed there wasn't an in-depth review of the phone's Intellectual Property theft capabilities...