Is he supposed to live on the streets with his kids for years before we, the online horde, decide he is acceptable again?
Is he supposed to live on the streets with his kids for years before we, the online horde, decide he is acceptable again?
You seem to have Louis confused with that Gadsby lady and her "comedy" special.
I bet you’re delightful at parties
I bet you’re delightful at parties
What a remarkably well reasoned and detailed suggestion. Thanks for playing
Such a hot contrary take. You must be fun at parties, telling everyone you knew America sucked before Trump. What a paragon of foresight you are. How is it you're not working at the New York Times with this thoughtful and incisive praise of yourself?
Fuck PETA, bunch of holier-than-thou eco terrorist fuckwits. If I had the chance I'd paintbrush every single one of them with a 32 oz. steak
It would not be difficult to find a firm willing to take their fees at the end of a trial of this magnitude. Could possibly even find some willing to do it pro-bono.
They’d have trouble remembering whether it was the old man or themselves peeing on a little girl? That’s a pretty big fucking difference to “misremember”. I think I’d remember peeing on someone pretty clearly. If they admitted that they did it which seems to be what's happened, case closed.
I am glad that McLaren’s safety research didn’t save that murderer’s worthless life. Hope it hurt.
I think the students could probably win a case to be reinstated with their scholarships
I'd say they've got a case.
You deserve more stars for this
Throw him in front of a BART train and be done with the trash.
*throws two pennies into the well*
Your pessimism is admirable, though you’re incorrect in there being only two choices for what’s going on (lying to save skin or knows everything). Cohen more than likely doesn't know everything, but guys like him tend to know a lot. That is the problem with going sour on your fixer, they know where the bodies were…
A multi-hundred year consecutive sentence is the same thing as a death sentence, it’s all just a question of time and money and a workaround for people to say they don’t want someone to be killed, they just want them to rot and die slowly. We both want the monster to die, I just want to get it over with so he doesn’t…
I think people who commit heinous crimes, which re proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and are given some grandstanding sentence like a thousand years (which is essentially a death sentence without the “D-word” so the pearl clutchers don’t have to run to their fainting couches) should simply be shot in the head. B…
She was playing his mother, who in the film is a prostitute who dresses him up like a girl to lure tricks. But I'm sure the relationship was super wholesome.
Imho, androgynous just means everyone can find something to fap to. *Oprah voice* You get a fap! YOU get a fap! YOU get a fap!