
Yeah, like...two things can be true here:

I noticed some typos in your posting.  Have you had dental work done recently?

Wait. What? Your strokes are super-broad.

How do you get préganté

wow, you’ve really set my mind at rest!

Once “space is an everyday thing,” yachts like the Guanshiyin will follow....

You should check out "The New New Thing" by the always readable Michael Lewis; he follows Jim Clark (Netscape, Silicin Graphics) as he builds an automated yacht while trying to outwit the venture capital firms.

Even if I was worth a half billion dollars, I still wouldn't own a boat. My boss has one and it is a straight up money pit. He almost sold it and his cabin last year to make sure that all the staff at work got paid.

Or maybe it’s because the youngest kid hit 18.


Jordan Klepper said in 2016 that “Trump would be the first openly asshole President.”

I don’t get what his vision was. Did he expect that his Bedminster and Mar-A-Lago pals were going to march into the Capitol in their blazers and khakis, waving away any police opposition with the righteous disdain that come so easily to sellers of insurance and real estate? Did he think their dudgeon would be intense

I could live with that kind of no choice, honestly... :)


And I don’t think in the context of the 50s “put up a fight” meant a literal fight. It’s more like “did she play hard to get or is she slutty”. 

All of that and as a lyric it’s there to pair off of “was it love at first sight?” The whole concept of the song is that neither side is getting an impartial story, but both are talking through their own coded gender norms, the girls overly mushy, the boys overly raunchy, but they’re both asking the same things.

In the comics Sparky was a synthezoid constructed from the brain waves of a dog that had dug up the corpse of Grim Reaper, the brother of Wonder Man and also Vision’s brother since Ultron used Wonder Man’s brain waves to make Vision, who was buried in the backyard byVision’s Daughter-Wife Virginia after she killed

Yes it does! The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, for example, taught me I should join the Navy. It’s called patriotism.

listening to her talking about “seeing the light” about QAnon and 9/11 was so wonderfully cynical and cheap and stupid as a final ploy to keep her committee placements, just perfect for her. I’m amazed after the vote they didn’t have to forcibly restrain her from yelling out “I didn’t mean ANY of that!!!!” Now can we

Regardless of what happens to Greene right now, the GOP will absolutely do this against the Dems given a chance. Both parties know this.