he —> they
him —> them
Like, three or four times, before and after reminding us in the text that Miller goes by “they/them”.
he —> they
him —> them
Like, three or four times, before and after reminding us in the text that Miller goes by “they/them”.
Makes sense to get 2x Nazgul per season (with 3x in the final season)?
Only 42 more of those lifetimes and he’d have been as old as Galadriel when she sailed west!
“There’s common sense and there’s nonsense, and if you’re all out of the former, you can borrow some of mine.”
Americans are definitely solidly #2 in the word for Royal Watching and consumers of British royal family gossip. I guess it makes sense. Americans have the maximum connection with minimum at stake to the royal family. All the gossip, none of the consequences.
“Calling out” capitalism and white supremacy (even in the case of the symbolic head of state of a country where white people are indigenous) gets you mad twitterarils or whatever they call points over there.
Recognising modern Russia as a capitalist political economy that’s bad even by the standards of capitalism, isn’t pro-communist. If anything it’s pro-capitalist: They point to Russia and say look here’s an example of bad capitalists they’re the ones you should criticise, not us the GOOD capitalists.
That he’s not wrong is the point - it’s the most basic opinion you can have about those movies, that LOTR is “good because Peter Jackson” and the Hobbit is not so good because “three movies for short book”.
And it says something about how little characters change in our other big pop-culture hits (Marvel, GOT, etc) that this is now considered something that sets Tolkien’s storytelling apart, as opposed to a basic feature of good storytelling generally.
Yeah but how about those cowardly harfoots, with their pathetic children fleeing a croco-wolf that’s merely 5-10x their size. And cowardly Nori going back to help the Stranger even after he arrived in a pit of fire and nearly yelled her to death twice. And her cowardly friend Poppy who despite believing bad stuff…
I thought the verb they use is “forged” which is even weirder?
Pratchett, as usual, was the only author to fuckin’ clock those pointy-ear pricks for what they really were.
Ghastly Beyond Belief is my Bible but of course that’s Kim Newman AND Gaiman.
The usage of “beefed it” here isn’t that bad. Sure, it’s normally used to mean fail in some kind of physical activity, like crashing your bike on a jump, but it kinda works? It doesn’t just mean “complain”.
I believe the correct term is “playersexual”.
It’s Olivia Munn’s mother who is of Chinese ancestry, but from Vietnam so that’s complicated (her last name is Schmid!). Her dad is triple-word-score white (German, English, Irish). I know it’s not up to me, but are we seriously bringing back the “one drop rule” so if you have any non-white ancestry you have to be on…
It’s time for this monster to pay penance and go to real jail.
When I saw Return of the King in theaters...