
I like to believe a marketing manager sent a really sarcastic email that nobody else realised was meant to be sarcastic.

Always loved this guy’s “this is fine” expression...

I think you guys are in agreement here?

Apple is like VW. It depends on the year of manufacture. Though I only know this about “good” VWs anecdotally - every person I know who actually bought a VW thought it was the greatest car ever for 18 months and then after that wanted to set it on fire and push it into a ravine.

Now playing

Nah it’s worse than that. This is the supercut of “sketches” they did for the show Skithouse that were spread across the entire season... maybe two seasons, I forget.

Now playing

Since sus predates the internet, there’s no record of its first use online. But Multiple archived sources state that Black internet communities initially began using the slang on social media sites and forums.

Before we’d ever had a movie based on a video game, we’d already had Tron, Wargames, and The Last Starfighter.

The power plant itself was officially called the Vladimir Lenin Nuclear Power Plant... but I can see how “STALKER2: Heart of Vladimir Lenin” would be even worse...

Marx may have been convinced that all these groups are naturally aligned, but it hasn’t played out that way.

Are they religious nuts though? Or do they just parrot what the religious nuts want to hear to win election?

Or whatever the fuck is going on in the movie Black Hole.

 I mean... presumably there are some second- and third-generation Disney employees? So technically families? Some families? It’s like a big family? Something?

What was it like being raised by the sociopaths who murdered his people and kidnapped him and how does it affect him?

Stop trying to justify piracy. Just pirate it because you know you can, nobody can stop you. Netflix might not “deserve” money but Jeunet and all the people who worked to make this film sure do.

Having grown up juuust adjacent to that world, I appreciated this exchange in The French Dispatch:

People don’t eat people, people eat people.

Prince Philip was Elizabeth’s third cousin as well as her second cousin once removed.

Implying that only Depp, in a cast with names like Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe and Michelle Pfeiffer, is a true “Movie Star” is quite the take, I’ll give you that.

Apparently the character she plays in Crazy Rich Asians uses one whenever she’s being dramatic or emphatic or Socratic or... I dunno.

Can we get a short list? This point about plenty of other actors has been made several times in these comments but why don’t people include a suggestion?