
How about that weird almost-out-of-nowhere conversation on the boat leaving the first island, and Clara’s telling you that Yara will take generations to be freed, and that after you kill El Presidente there will be civil war and thousands will die...

I mean in this example the dude has 33 hours. Seems like it kept his interest just fine.

The weird thing about this is that the longer you play an Ubisoft game, the less likely you are to really need any of the microtransaction stuff.

Dune as a story has its issues, but it also has multiple characters that do stuff, and multiple locations that are easy to conceptualise in relation to other locations, and characters are motivated by things like “I am uneasy about the future” and “I am upset my father is dead” and “I do not want to be stabbed or

Does Rabban even appear “on screen” in the book? I’m trying to remember... or if he’s only just talked about by other characters. (His actions are definitely noticeable though.)

The book is set something like 23,000 years in the future - languages change. Herbert was very deliberate in changing the spelling of things (and using Arabic words that work both with his new definitions, and subtextually with the actual definition - “Usul” being an example). He didn’t “garble” anything and his usage

Okay man, thanks for putting me in my place.

You need to reread the book I think.

Do a search in the text for “whale fur” and read the whole of Leto’s quote there. 

The question bothering me is why Herbert didn’t think Buddhism would be more popular than Islam

As for why they would want to leave even though the accommodations are lavish, which, we don’t see where they spend their free time, or even know if they have free time. We only see them laboring.

Does “Ersatz Haderach” mean “the opener of the Splenda?”

Champ, I ain’t the author so I have to justify why I’m “correcting” them. If I was the author of the article I would have written:

[slight drooling]

Alia came out okay...

Duncan because of Macbeth, and Idaho because Frank Herbert also likes Idaho?

CHOAM and the Landsraad: The stock market and Congress, respectively; both are made up almost entirely of heads of the Great Houses, who use them both as proxies for their long-standing fights.

The metadata for this torrent says “not the best quality, better quality coming October 22, take it or leave it”.

Why not just read it on the Kindle app on your phone like Frank Herbert intended?

I use Facebook to complain to our Mayor about vandalised bike path signage on our street corner. He doesn’t do anything about it, but I like the idea that it makes his phone go “ping!”