My Beer Belly

I promise you that's about right. A bumper nearly always has to be completely replaced, they are designed to crumple on impact. The labor involved to remove and then replace the bumper isn't intensive but takes a few hours at probably something like $75 an hour. Then comes the paint which takes a few more hours and

Your first point is absolutely right. I worked at GEICO for a few years and this is true of nearly every single major auto insurer. Lifetime repair guarantees can be a big deal when a simple rear-end collision can cause suspension issues that lasts the lifetime of the vehicle.

If you're getting a new couch, please also fix the problem and not cover it up. I live with 3 cats and we have bought brand new living room and bed room furniture in the last 2 years. We were replacing hand-me-downs and not because it was ruined by cats. If you want your furniture to last and not have to constantly

Agreed, most everything achieves the same results, but with various degrees of comfort. However a double edge safety razor can't be beat for the cost. After the initial investment of a razor and blades (maybe $40-50) then you can buy over a year's supply of blades for $25 (100 blades). A blade last's me about a

Agreed, most everything achieves the same results, but with various degrees of comfort. However a double edge

I had considered that as well. I'm giving the whole Proraso line up a shot, but I feel that the razor is really causing the improvement in shaving. I'm considering once I've gone through all this product of going back to a more traditional shaving cream. It would definitely save on time, although I'm not sure about

I had considered that as well. I'm giving the whole Proraso line up a shot, but I feel that the razor is really

I made the switch to a Merkur long handle with feather blades. Combine that with any well-reviewed badger brush on Amazon and I gaurantee you'll have a better shave than any cartridge or electric razor. I have used all the cartridge razors and I've got a Nerelco SensoTouch 3D in the drawer for travelling or quick

I made the switch to a Merkur long handle with feather blades. Combine that with any well-reviewed badger brush on

Yeah, that's basically the realization we came to. We were bottling up all these little frustrations and then big arguments would happen over nonsense. We had a couple talks over the course of a few days where we identified a lot of those things and agreed they were stupid and to not let them bother us. We also

This exactly. We find ourselves arguing over things like loading the dishwasher and the correct way to fold laundry. They aren't make-or-break type arguments, but they can add up and take a toll over the long run. We've gotten a lot better in our 4.5 years of marriage at speaking about these minor annoyances

Yeah, definitely something to consider. We know her military position isn't going anywhere unless they up and do away with the Air Force. Considering our defense budget, I don't see that happening anytime soon. But still worth noting that nothing is a gaurantee.

GNex owner here. It's already been mentioned, but there is a one-click toolkit that can unlock the bootloader and root it for you. If you wish, it can also flash a ROM and any other number of tweaks. I believe it's called Wugs toolkit, but without being on my home computer I can't check.

I've had the same issues. I've got a laptop on Win8 and my desktop on 8.1. Ever since I 'upgraded' to Win8.1 I've had wifi issues. It only happens in browsers, other programs that access the internet have no issues. I'll be loading a website and click a link, new tab opens but won't load. It says resolving hosts

We're about to jump into home ownership and we're thinking along the same lines you were. We are looking at houses that would have similar monthly mortgages as our current rent. But when we up the payment by about $200-400 a month, we start to really get into the territory we were hoping for. While we could

My first job used Vanguard and I went with one of the target date funds. I liked it because I told them what % to take and I didn't think about it anymore. The only variable for me over the years is what percentage I wish to contribute.

People have been asking about what we use. Here is a pic of our living room after we moved in but you can see in the background what we have setup. It's a Petco brand high-back litter box with a Litter Genie. We fill it about 4 inches deep with Dr. Elsey's Ultra litter and have a sisal mat under the box to catch

These mats are great. They are expensive but they are excellent at keeping litter on the mat and not all over your floor. High sided boxes are also a must (I posted above the ones we use). Ours like to dig and very rarely get litter over the high sides. But if they do the mats catch it and it stays there. We then

I really really want to get an automated box but I'm afraid they are too small. We have two big boys, both over 16 pounds and very muscular. We already have to get extra large litter boxes so I don't want to drop the $300+ on a top of the line model if it will go unused. Out 3rd is a little skiddish so I'm not sure

Have you tried this litter? I have never had a problem with odor control and it's the best clumping litter I've ever used. I don't like scented litters and this has an added bonus of almost being completely dust free. It should be said though that diet can have a lot to do with how the litter box smells and we are

I use these. I like the high backs that keep litter from being thrown all over the place. They are also big enough to accommodate my two larger boys (16 pounds) and allow for the proper depth of litter.

Yeah, I get that it is dependent on the situation. But even with only one cat, once per week is nasty. A small cat with a large and well-filled litter box, I could see pushing it 2-3 days. But not a week, especially given how the video showed they 'fill' the box with litter.

And I think I just woke my wife laughing

3 cats. Wasn't an animal person when after a year of marriage my wife convinced me to get one. Within 2 years we had 2 more and it's a struggle not to taken on any more.